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RE: Is Justin Sun Cracking?

in #steem5 years ago

The exchanges and sun have a liquidity issue now..

That's why they want the 3 day Powedown (only for exchanges ;])

I tell you:
Justin wants control, so he gotta pay for it now.

There are not even 81m liquid Steem right now.

The community needs to come together, buy as much as they can and simultaneously dont sell a single steem for less than 4$.

Justin gotta pay.

The exchanges have to give back the steem to their customers.
Every Single one of us can pull them to court.
Especially if they dont give our assets back (which they cant cuz it's powered up)


Posted using Partiko Android


I think in his last voice-meeting with the Witnesses he sounded really honest and he just sees Steemit as investment. Maybe he had no bad intentions at all in the first place. He also had no idea that the Stake was tied to a use case, to support the community and onboarding and not to allow witness voting with the Stake.

But the thing is, that he wants to solve problems his way and not the way they are used to be solved here on Steem. We can't simply change the governance just becuase he, Ned or anyone else (like Exchanges) wants it. Somebody made a mistake and he should had to know the rules before when playing with that much money.

Governance is made by the majority and the elected witnesses thats a major rule he tried to break.

Just my two cents.

Additionally strange things happen:

~~~ embed:1235669212015685633 twitter metadata:VGhleWNhbGxtZURhbl98fGh0dHBzOi8vdHdpdHRlci5jb20vVGhleWNhbGxtZURhbl8vc3RhdHVzLzEyMzU2NjkyMTIwMTU2ODU2MzN8 ~~~

"Governance is made by the majority and the elected witnesses thats a major rule he tried to break."

No. Governance is made by the majority stake, and that's the rule he used. @ned just never did, preferring to allow decentralization on the blockchain.

Ok, thx for your reply. If this is real i think we need to change the rules.

Do read the white paper, which explains the rules. That will enable you to base your understanding on those facts, and also to propose viable solutions to the extant problem.

The exchanges that do such a thing must be fucked, lovingly or non-lovingly.

Gute Idee. Das solltest du in so vielen Sprachen wie möglich als Post veröffentlichen.

Posted using Partiko Android

Bin gerade auf stationärer Schmerztherapie und hab ganz andere Probleme..
Die schließen gerade überall die KH wegen Corona und das Desinfektionsmittel geht aus..

Posted using Partiko Android

Das tut mit leid. Ich hoffe, dass es dir bald und dauerhaft wieder besser geht. Wo bist du genau, weil du sagtest, dass die KH schließen wegen Corona? Wieso Schmerztherapie wenn ich fragen darf?

Posted using Partiko Android

Bin chronischer Schmerzpatient..

Wird nicht besser..

Aber lerne damit umzugehen.

Jedoch nicht in so einer psychischen Stresssituation (selbst wenn Corona nicht so schlimm ist - aber die Propaganda..)

Augsburg, Weilheim, Garmisch sind soweit ich weiß schon zu

Das tut mir echt leid. Ich hoffe, dass deine Schmerzen nicht allzu schlimm sind. Ich wünsche selten jemanden was schlechtes, aber ab und an erwische ich mich selbst,wie ich diesen Entscheidungsträgern genau die selben Leiden wünsche, die andere durchmachen müssen, weil diese Entscheidungsträger einfach zu lässig mit Ihrer Verantwortung umgehen. Hoffentlich überstehen wir diese Krise mit geringen Verlusten und mögen dir deine Schmerzen nicht soviel Leid zufügen. Wünsche dir viel Kraft und eine schmerzfreie Zukunft. 🙇‍♂️

He's not going to pump anymore money into this failed investment. He knows even if he wins we're going to fork and then everyone loses (him the most). Sun has nothing to offer. Steemit Inc is no more. He sits on an empire of dirt and is trying to trade the dirt back for something.