For the place to be healthy, the economics need to be aligned to give incentive for behaviors that build the community as people themselves will never act in the best interest of the many. We don't have that yet. Me might not have it with the next hardfork either, but we are working toward it.
I just flipped back 8 months of this girls posts...
....and seems like a totally legitimate account to me.
When you have 'the powers that be' working like this, even the most naive person here on steemit must be asking themselves, 'what the fuck is going on?'(don't you?)
If you did know, you would be buying all the Steem you can and making it happen. Some people are doing just that. They might be wrong, but at least they act toward their belief.
An emotional attachment to a financial instrument is not logical.
You could posit that if you think steem has any kind of future, the best strategic move is cash out to another coin, crash the price, and flush the bad actors out by a mass buy in at a very cheap price, later on.
I suppose it depends on how much confidence you have in steem...
One thing is for sure right now - steemit is not an attractive proposition for investors.
....the 'crypto worlds' opinion about steem, from the research I've done.
With behaviors like this shown above, only a fool would invest in such amateurish tomfoolery. (imo).