Interactive Battle Tournament#7 - Enrol Now To Play!

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

This post is to allow people to enrol for and play in the Interactive Battle Tournament #7 

images above from abandonware game wing commander3

How Do I Play?

The first thing you need to do is pick your character class for  gameplay. This will determine which attacks you perform during the  tournament. Each class has it's strengths and weaknesses during the  tournament so it will be even no matter which one you choose.

You can choose to either be a WARRIOR, a WIZARD, or an ARCHER.

After choosing a character class, you need to create your  character.  To create a character for Enrollment, you will need a NAME  and an IMAGE OF YOUR CHARACTER. If you can't or don't provide those by  the time the Tournament starts a name and image will randomly be assigned to you.

Once the Tournament Gameplay starts, your Hero will start on Stage One.  Every stage will have a foe that needs to be defeated.

Everyone will begin each stage with 3 fresh lives.  As you take  your turn to attack the foe you will need to hit the enemy for more than  the amount it hits you for.

If you defeat the enemy on your first attack with a Flawless Victory you will be rewarded with a share of the posts' payout. 

If you acquire 3 Flawless Victories during the tournament you will be allowed to level up and have access to even more bonuses.

If you do not defeat the enemy in a given turn you lose a life.

You cannot go on to the next stage until you have either defeated  the foe or used all three of your lives!  Don't worry, you start the  next round with 3 new lives!

Each life point you are able to save on each level will be banked and saved for you. 

After all the levels have been played through, the Final Boss will  be waiting for you and this is where your banked lives matter. 

Each life point that has been banked will be added to your attack score in the Final Battle. 

On the Final Boss round, you will get 2 chances to defeat the enemy.

Your highest of the two tries will be used to give you the best  odds and your banked lives will be an added boost to your attack. The  Hero with the biggest hit will win the Tournament. 

Actual Gameplay

The IBT bot created specifically for your gameplay experience will do all the hard work so don't worry!

Each level will have a description of the enemy and what it will take to defeat them.

A list of commands will also be provided to instruct you on how to take your actions. 

Each command will need to be entered in it's own comment to engage the bot. 

As you begin each level you will start with a Life command which  will activate the bot to your turn and display your starting 3 life  points for the round. This step will be essential in order to interact  with the bot.

After you enter your action command refresh your screen and the bot  will appear and work it's code magic to show you how your action went!

Between Single Command Comments you can add your own comments to Role Play out your turn as you go using a little imagination...

or you can just perform your turn using the commands only.

Each character class has 2 attack options to choose from. 

A regular attack which hits more often but, does less damage

or a heavy attack that does massive damage but is less likely to hit accurately.

There are also additional bonuses you can acquire along the way to strengthen your attacks!

The goal of gameplay is, first and foremost, to have fun! The bot  is still being developed so if any bugs pop up, your patience and  understanding are greatly appreciated!

This game may sound mildly complicated, but once you start playing and get the swing of it you will see how easy it is to enjoy!

IBT is a growing endeavor and community and will only get better  from here!  There are many experienced players that will lead by  gameplay example, as well as answer questions and give help along the  way.

 YOU MUST ENROL NOW! or miss out on the battle fun and easy win Steem.   

  • SPECIAL BONUS! Everyone who enrols gets followed by @wizardzap and has all their regular posts upvoted for free! 

The real bonus with IBT is that not only is it going to be a blast to  play... but you can gain STEEM, UPVOTES, SILVER BULLION, and best of all  FRIENDS for just playing a game.

Enrolments will close in approx 7 days - a reply will be posted here to open the games, which will be followed by the posting of Stage One. 

Over the next few days additional posts such as detailed instructions and the play map will be posted. There is no action to take with these posts, they are just to provide you links and information. If you get lost our field judge @doughtaker or myself will give you a reply to point you in the right direction.


 LINK TO ITEM SHOP POST IS - Available here.

 LINK TO CAMPAIGN MAP IS -  Available here soon


Let the Enrolment begin!!

All SBD raised here will go towards IBT#7 prizes. Special thanks to everyone in the IBT community for their ongoing contributions


Hi, i'm Piggils the transgender warrior princess (pre-op) .
And it would be fabulous to fight along side you boys and girls! yay for us!

Err...Welcome Piggils the warrior no one will judge you here.

Your enrolment has been confirmed.

TrannyChun-Li.... welcome to the fray!
May the STEEM be ever in Your Favor!


I'm a warrior named "Negan" built for the kill...

I will gift any prizes won as I'm a sponsor of this great tournament!

Tim Ross the Paint Wizard Boss Welcomes you to IBT#7
..... Lucille is managing the sponsorship!
You will have much JOY in this tournament!

Sweet As!..Welcome Negan the warrior you are enrolled with thanks :)


Hmm, I'm a bit worried about you Negan, "I saw what you and your friend Lucille did to Glenn!"

Good to know, we don't want that damn evil bat used in this game. lol

Hey guys, like IBT6 I can't win prizes but I'd like to enrol for fun :)

SteemCyberNige is back as a Warrior.

After years of oppression from rich dudes, I'm keen for some pay back...hehe

I have confirmed my own enrolment hehe; Welcome to IBT#7 SteemCyberNige the warrior.
My own enrolment is confirmed...hehe

Sandwich Power Activate!!!


The warrior BuRgUrMeCh is reporting for duty.

Holy smokes! The Warrior to wizard/archer ratio is off the charts!

Will Warriors dominate or might their foes find a chink in their mail?
Only the first fight will give us a glimmer of insight.

Buh buh buuuuuummmm!

..Hehe, Heck man whats in that special sauce?

Welcome to the fight BuRgUrMeCh the warrior your enrolment is confirmed.

I was drunk!
Is that an excuse anymore?

Lol! think I wore that one out


The [co-]champion of IBT6 returns; Doomguy the space marine (archer for IBT purposes) and his BFG 9000 are back and ready to gib more enemies. Keep an eye out for cameos from his IBT colleagues as well.

Obviously, I'm going to confirm my own enrollment. Doomguy the space marine archer is registered for IBT7.

archer-2027137_640.pngThanks!I'm in, I will be Archie the Archer. Here is my image (from pixabay )

Welcome Archie the Archer. Your enrolment has been confirmed.

hello! I will be PURRITO. The sleepy, but deadly wizard!

Ohhhh so cute!

I mean your a bad ass deadly wizard Purrito and are now officially enroled in IBT7 :)

Please enrol me as a Wizard named Sparkonian

Happy to let a picture be assigned for me as it's a bit tough to do on the phone

Welcome Sparkonion the Wizard. Your enrolment has been confirmed.
Have a great IBT!

A random image has been provided 4 hours

Mentioning and replying to you here on Sat, 07 Jul 2018 08:08:55 GMT to remind you of this post.
Please consider upvoting this comment to keep this service running.

this post as requested!
Please consider upvoting this comment to keep this service running.Reminding @sparkesy43 of

I want to enroll
I will be playing a wizard
Name; Wynsys
Can you use this image ?

Welcome aboard. Wynsys the wizard is confirmed and officially registered for IBT7.

Hi! I would like to enroll with Angel Food the Wizard.

Its an honor to have such a reputable Wizard join us here on earth. Your enrolment in IBT7 has been confirmed.

Thanks! We’ll try to keep it clean.
“That’s cute coming from a narrator. I’m the one that’s always ‘dealing with’ these rabid peasants.”
Angel Food continues, “I don’t even want a wand! I don’t need it to cast spells and I definitely don’t need it shoved...”
Hey! Ok! That was many many IBTs ago. They’ve edited stuff since then.
“Oh , I just want the mask of gobbo and the book of death again.” says Angel Food.
Yeah? Well, be luckier then!
Thanks for accepting our enrollment @lordnigel

Tim Ross the Paint Wizard Boss the other [co-]Champion of IBT6 will answer the call! The opportunity to share the Joy of Painting and make friends along the way is just too much to pass up!

Tim Ross Icon.jpg

I am sure these bad guys are just misunderstood and aren't really so bad after all. Perhaps they are just looking for a friend! I always bring my friendship magic wherever I go.

And if not, well... WE WILL JUST

I want all my IBT companions enrolling to know

Haha nice, welcome back hero.

Tim Ross the Paint Wizard Boss, your enrolment in IBT7 has been confirmed.

May peace and friendship rule the day....if not a thunderbolt from you brush wand should sort them out :)

Enroll me too. I choose Warrior named Thunk. 919D9E66-6E54-45D0-BD34-02E0430E8D8A.jpeg

Welcome aboard. Thunk the warrior is confirmed and officially registered for IBT7.

I don't know of I'll be abode to keep up, but I'll give it a shot.
Seeing as Birdie said goodbye after the last tournament Azrael will be the challenger in this tournament in the wizard class.


eck...err...Welcome Azrael the wizard that's an impressive bit of ..purple!
Your enrolment has been confirmed.

I suddenly realise I'm picking characters by my favourite colours! It probably won't help with the battle though.

Oh yes, sorry if the exposed flesh is distracting. 🤣Lol

Stick Archer would like ti register as an archer for the battle! :D

Nice, welcome back Stick Archer the Archer you are enroled :)

Its me, Arkalem, here to enroll for the second time. This time I will crush my foes with the sword, im enrolling as a warrior. -Arkalem "Jack of all trades."


Cool! glad you made it Arkalem the warrior. Your enrolment has been confirmed.

Hi there!!! long time no participating ;( I want to be the jumping WARRIOR and this time I will win :)

Welcome back masterswatch the Warrior your enrolment has been confirmed..

Eck....feeling dizzy :)

I once again want to enrol as the fearless "Wanda the Witchy Wizard."


Welcome back Wanda the wizard your enrolment has been confirmed.

Lordnigl hello
I dont know about this can yoy explain me?about this

IBT is a game that runs right here on Steemit. In many ways it no different to all the other great competitions and people get to win Steem for fun. Probably the only significant difference is this competition is run predominantly by a bot. You read each post I put up carefully over the next 1 - 2 weeks and you will work out how to play. It's not unusual to walk away with 1 - 20 Steem in your pocket for just a few minutes a night. The bot is a work in progress and I will continue to improve it and automate more and more as long as players keep coming back and it brings value to Steemit itself. If still unsure, feel free to reach out to me on Steem Chat.

If your just starting out with competitions, checkout:

This is a good way to see how easy and fun they are.

You can read more about IBT here:

OR go back through the history of my posts and see previous IBT comps.

A detailed instructions for IBT7 play is now available here:

Finally if still not sure, just sit this one out and watch/read what others do, I run a new and improved version once a month.


The Milkmaid returns dragging her useless Archer boy along for the ride! (Archer class)


Haha welcome back The Milkmaid the Archer your enrolment has been confirmed.

Thanks to our players - enrolments are going to close alittle early, i.e. in 30 minutes to allow time to initialise bot then Stage one will be posted in a hour or so.

Good luck everyone!

Enrolments are now closed and bot is being initiated for Stage One

Final enrollment list:
