Delete my account off this place right now!

in #steem7 years ago

Delete this account or I will post shit after shit and be a real pain

Steem is a Communist Scam.

All hail Communist Emperor MOBBS! Steems wicked RULER! All do as MOBBS says or else.


FYI Account can't be deleted. That's the point of the blockchain. Your account and rampage is there for all eternity

Also I'm not chinese lol

Too bad. Then I will post over and over and over and make sure this place goes to shit.

Cool story bro.

Accounts can be deleted. The server needs to verify to some place. Just remove the account from the server. Simple request.

You, my Lord, have a lot to learn about blockchain technology

Blockchain account and server account the same thing?

It's all decentralized. Even if you were somehow able to get your actual account deleted, (which you can't), its spread across the decentralized blockchain anyway, available on any number of other websites or front ends. Even deleted posts and comments aren't deleted, just hidden away but easily accessible

This is also, by the way, why I put so much emphasis on copyright infringement. A lawyer could easily retroactively browse through your posts, find copyrighted material and then send the evidence in an email to the original owners and sue you for profit.

The cleaner we are the better, really

If it's all decentralized, how can this lawyer even find you?

If you can delete posts, you can delete the account.