Of a truth, Facebook being a centralized organization is going to hinder their progress even if they introduced a reward system into it. People had accepted it when there was not much option but times have changed.
Last Saturday, I was running some promotion about Steemit, Zappl, Dtube and others on my Facebook page and the promotion was banned by Facebook because according to them I was promoting cryptocurrency. I wasn't happy because I felt I have the right to promote whatever I like and leave it to the individuals to choose what appeals to them. The days of centralized industries is windy down as more and more people will opt for freedom in the days to come. That's my thoughts anyway, we can never tell what happens tomorrow.
Thank you for the comment @lordjames.
And you are just one users trying to promote something that interests you. Imagine that same situation repeated hundreds of thousands of times.
As much as Facebook might want to act like STEEM, they will not. It is impossible to enjoy the benefits of blockchain without giving up the control. They do not go together.
The true value in blockchain is there is nobody in control....nobody to answer to....people are free to create whatever they want.
The innovation curve is about to be kicked in the upward direction. This is something the world has needed for a long time.