The War On Cryptocurrency

in #steem7 years ago

Several articles about the war on drugs, recently, have reminded me that
many may be aware of the recent attempts of Congress to put intrusive
controls on the use and movement of cryptocurrency, but many may not
have made the connection between the control of drugs and currency. This
should be apparent given the value of both to the controllers. You may also
have noticed the use of the terms commonly used to describe the theft, by the
controllers, of the property of The People, 'asset forfeiture seizure' if the
individual should refuse to comply with these unlawful, immoral demands.

This dynamic may also be found operating in connection with anything
that is beneficial for the slavers to control, drugs, money, currency, precious
metals, information, news, education, medicine, disease, law, guns, human
slaves, and on and on, full spectrum dominance is the name of the game.

Anyone who is paying attention knows that the 'war on drugs' is really only
the suppression of the competition, by the control freaks behind government.
'The war on cryptocurrency' is really the same thing in a different context. I
am actually surprised that it has taken the controllers this long to go public
with their fear mongering about how "we need to control the cryptocurrencies
to stop money laundering", as if the state, and the moneyed interests behind
them are not the ones responsible for the majority of the money laundering.
This is naked suppression of the competition, in the form of the federal
reserve note.

It appears that state and financial organization controlled cryptocurrencies
have already been floated. The crypto-gurus can shed more light on this
than I. My goal here is to identify the dynamic, and then look for it in other
areas of the function of the world.

The 'war on drugs' is all part of a plan to increase societal control, to profit so
to further their activities, and use the 'drug problem' to have blanket approval
to violate anyone's rights at will. You will currently see a similar pattern of
control, profit, and rights violations in the demonization of cryptocurrency,
as a further extention of the war on cash.

This will be accomplished through the use of the same old and repeatedly
demonstrated to be successful, tactics and strategies. The main culprits are
the Hegelian dialectic, and it's equally evil twin, the Delphi technique. They
boil down to be one and the same, thesis, antithesis, synthesis. We must
always look to the dynamics, and not get lost in the weeds.

This is control cloaked in the dynamic of the dialectic as attributed to
Immanuel Kant, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Karl Marx, Carl Jung, the
RAND corporation, Johann Fichte, and others. What it amounts to is immoral
manipulation. If we can learn the weapons that are being used against us, we
have a better chance at freeing ourselves from individual control, and throwing
off the designs and impositions, on society of the controllers.

The Hegelian Dialectic- Problem, reaction, solution

Agenda 21 Uses Delphi Technique - Fredinburg Interviews Heather Gass



This has been my fear from the start, the establishment is not going to let go of their power peacefully.

The internet is proving difficult for the controllers. The proliferation of new ideas coming from masses of connected people is unruly.

Agreed, but they can make it harder to trade and so on. Cryptos are the future, we just need to be aware of their tactics.

Nice post !! I think BTC will grow up!! Steem and Steemdollar too!! but not show fast like BTC. And then the volume of BTC will grow up for a month and then slowly the price will be smaller and in the end BTC will stay at 10k for many years!! This is my theory. i want to upvote my comment in this post if you do it and have more then 4.10$ my friend zkameliss will win some money from steemvoter
they have a really good post !! you can check it on the comment!!

Damn! You right. . .

Good post! One question for you- A big one however..
Once/if we can understand the weapons:
How can we stand together to gain personal freedom?

If enough people can be educated on the nature of the word weapons being used against us, we can simply cease to allow ourselves to be fooled by these pretend 'authorities'. They have no real power over us if enough of us refuse to consent.

Nice post! Thanks for sharing.

Thanks for reading.

More drug controls-more drug use
More anti terror - more terror attacks
More crypto controls-----MOAR CRYPTO !!!
They're helpless, they know it and that scares shit out of them.

I think they have already lost quite a bit of control. The main question seems to be, how much damage are they willing to inflict in their temper tantrums before they let go, or are forced to? I don't think any of them really understand what they're dealing with. I'm not sure I do.

They gonna use all weapons and it'll not be nice. That's why is smart to keep crypto offline or on blockchain for a while. Our time will come. But also taxes. That's inevitably. But don't trust me I'm just average Joe on steemit, not expert.

I've wondered about this for a long while. I thought the Soviet government would blow up half the world before giving up control, but not much happened. The governments of the west seem much better funded and more entrenched, but I don't see many options for them to maintain control long term.

No, no, no. America is the worst of all. Than Europe. The rest of world is more pragmatic and smart. Even their governments. They gonna lead the way in crypto. And steemit will transform in something totally different. Africa, India, Asia. The're coming. You'll see.

That is even more concerning. The west invented personal liberty. The east have some highly intelligent people, but are low trust cultures. Like Singapore, they have one of the highest mean IQs of any nation, but in practice are like a shiny and clean 1984.

Yeah it works well. Make crypto or drugs a problem, and in the case of drugs help bring them in; then wait for the reaction of people who don't like what they see in some way, even convince them it's a problem and react to that influence; then come in as the hero with the fake solution to the a real or unreal problem and get people to support or demand it.

Have you seen the recent America's War on Drugs tv series? I have been downloading them. Just wanted to mention that.

Can you explain why the formatting is off? Newlines after certain words breaking up a sentence.

I've seen the 'America's War on Drugs' it just pisses me off to see the con continue.

The formatting is probably off because I don't know what I'm doing.

If the War on Cryptocurrency is similar to the War on Drugs, would that also increase the price of cryptocurrency similar to drugs?

It would probably depend on it's actual value, and perceived value. I'm not crypto math savvy enough to know whether or not the whole of it is a huge con. Some of it seems legit, but to me it's still just numbers on a screen. Some people are profiting. If the whole thing is outlawed, and crashes who wins and who loses?

I don't wanna be a useful idiot.

Me either.