Thanks for doing this. I would like to see more options, e.g. downvote if >X% and > Y pending payout. Then confirm the list, select a voting % and downvote.
Ideally, I would wish to see a full-fledged project around this, that's run by people with updates on a daily basis. Finally, Steemit should consider running a large scale vote on opinion on these bots. I'm willing to bet a majority will want these gone, at which point they would be well justified to start devaluing bot votes from the trending page. People will cry censorship, but it's not really - it might even give others the motivation to start their own competing frontend that champions vote trading.
At the end of the day, the buck stops with the delegator. There needs to be blockchain level changes that make it less profitable for massive whales to delegate to vote trading. Instead, they should be incentivized to either vote themselves or delegate to those who curate on merit. How this can be done - I don't know, but this should be the goal.
Pretty sure allowing authors to chose how much percentage they want to give to curator would solve this.
People like me delegate to bot because its more profitable than curating, as I explained in this post The vote buying popularity came as a result of reducing curation rewards from 50 to 25%. So making curation more profitable would encourage manual curation. I know that if I could earn as much as with a bot by upvoting content that I like I definetely would do this.
Flagging the bid-bot posts should work just as well.
If whales are soley motivated by money, and the bid-bot posts they've lent their steempower to, stop earning as well, they'll find another way to use their steempower (perhaps curatgion guilds).
It feels like operation-cleanup is aimed at writers on the front page, but it is really aimed at the delegators who support the bid-bots with their steempower.
I was offered 5,000 Steem to delegate 100,000 SP recently. I'm sure that's not sustainable, but even at the going rates I'm afraid the curator will need to get 80% share or something ridiculous.
That said, I'd support a 50%-50% split. But we need something more than that.
Congratulations on getting in the top 50 witnesses.