My Friends don`t Believe in Steemit!

in #steem8 years ago


Hey Guys, I don t know how your experience is but I want to share mine. When I start to talk about Steemit my friends just think it is a big fake. They don t want to believe me that people can earn money on steemit. I just want to show you some screen shots from a conversation with a friend

I am asking: "Do you know the currency steem?"

My friend replayed: "Cryptocurrency?"

I am writing: "exactly, do you want to share your economy knowledge on this platform and earn a bit, ? The more people we will become the bigger the community, and I send the link of steemit.

Answer of my friend: "I don t like snowball system. Because I prefer to buy shares and live on the returns. You can write me in few months to tell me how much you managed to earn with it. And try to make real money with it. Bitcoins are a good investment. But steem? I doubt it. You have to google and then you will be smarter."

Then I get this link from my friend.

Another replay of this person: "And the opportunity cost, I rather go to work"

At the end this person began to bully me: "Please do me a favor and do not go into strange cars if someone offer you chocolate"

:D What do you think about this conversation? I just can say I believe in steem!

Steem On! Steemers let s get BBIIIIGGERRRR!


I hope you are enjoying your day, too!

And by the way, I convinced already 2 of my friends to post on steemit:

One of my biggest goals in the future is to reach freedom!!

Big Hug Lena <3 <3


If someone isn't convinced, let them be. Try someone else. The skeptics will come last.

I was going to mention this. This is an important point when talking about innovation and adaptation. I have friends and relatives who don't believe nor in bitcoin.


thanks !! :)))


No you and I are in the innovator part of the graph for sure.


Hallo Lena, ja so sind die Menschen. Mir geht es genau so. Ich schicke ihnen sogar Links zu meinen Posts zum Lesen. Aer selbst da hölt sich das Feedback in Grenzen. teilweise musste ich mich auch verteidigen, weil ich ein 2 BTC investiert hatte. Nun ist mein Account mehr als 4 BTC wert bei viel höherem BTC-Kurs. Aber die Sache hat auch eine positive Seite: Wir sind die "early adapters", d.h. wenn die anderen aufspringen, sind wir schon viel weiter fortgeschritten, haben unsere netzwerke aufgebaut und Erfahrung gesammelt.
Übrigens gibt es in Deutschland schon einige Steemit-Stammtische. Ich bin in München Co-Organisator.

genau wir sind die early adapters und die Zeit wird die Antwort geben :) jaaa ich möchte das nächste mal wenn ich Zeit haben gerne dabei sein, wann ist der nächste Steemit Stammtisch ?

Hier ist der Link zu unserem Münchner Stammtisch:

Wir würden uns sehr freuen, wenn du demnächst mal teilnimmst.
Du triffst hier garantiert auf lauter Gleichgesinnte!

Haha, I send them links and don't even mention anything about the post rewards.

50% of the time they are like "what does that $ thing mean? how much do they take in comission?" - "0." and then they say it must be a scam, its kinda funny actually.

I've had 50% success rate with this type of discussion within my friends. All the Artists think it's way cool and are totally signing up. Same with my internet- geeky friends. I usually just tell them what my account is worth and that it started at almost zero.

I also stress how the community and platform has helped me to focus on my songwriting and pursuit of knowledge (especially in the crypto world). You basically have to integrate Steemit into your life. Some ppl are just not interested in doing that.

Have you showed this friend you're account? I don't know about you..that often works for me. Except for the 15$ worth of Steem I bought as a learning experiment, I've mined the rest through original content and through review of other's excellent work. That alone usually convinces skeptics, especially since I'm no whale lol.

yeah I can imagine this platform will be very interesting for artists. Yes I am integrate steemit step by step into my life, it is still a big jungle for me :p Yes I showed my friend my account, but this person just said: You have to show me that this money is real. Totally stubborn. hehe thank you for your comment !! wish you a good night, at least in Germany is night :)

We all had that "this is to good to be true moment" but when you spend some time in here & see how things are, you'll definitely change your mind, i hope your friend will be convinced soon!

exactly , thanks for your comment !!

You welcome ;)

Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following category:Congratulations @lenatramper!

  • Upvotes - Ranked 7 with 389 upvotes

ayyy thanks !!

The most important thing, you knnow steem , bitcoin are real
Thanks for sharing
Enjoy your day

you are welcome, ya this is true, thank you !!

I've been on Steemit since the end of July last year. I convinced 3 people to join, but I'm at the stage of giving up on everybody else.

:D I know exactly how you feel, we have not to give up and time will show the answer ! thanks for your comment , greetings Lena !

I am new also and I can now get paid for some of what I used to watch on utube, might only be penny's but it is a start. Welcome!

"Because I prefer to buy shares and live on the returns".
Well, they are in for a rude awakening soon aren't they when the stock market nosedives. Won't be so smug then. I bet they don't believe in buying silver either, do they ;)

I dont think so :D thanks for reading :)

Freedom is a great goal,I too strive for it.Keep being yourself and spreading the word,you reached me on my first day here.

thank you very much for your warm feedback, I will !!

I had a similar converasation with someone, but it was about another currency. They too did not understand. I believe a lot of people will miss out and it will be to late.

yes and we will be the winner :)

People have a hard time wrapping their heads around this idea of getting paid with a crypto currency. Not sure why its hard to understand getting paid for good content.

yes , but I dont care anymore I also stopped to talk about steemit, just doing it here with my community

beautiful photo in nature

thanks! that s a park next to my apartment :)

Same here. Do not listen masses.

damn right,! thank you very much, greetings Lena

Same goes for me. :(

it makes no sense to talk to people with this opinion , steem on !!

"One of my biggest goals in the future is to reach freedom!!"@lenatramper loved this line

yeahhh and we will reach it !!!!

Time will tell to story, as with all things.

exactly thank you!!

my friends who I tried to get into Steemit a year ago, didn't believe me! They still don't believe me! Some followed me into here, and are still living a new free life of rewarding community. They will kick themselves later.....
Great to have you here!

Thank you great to have you here too :) I know exactly how you feel :)

I do believe in Steem too @lenatramper!! You are not alone on the ride!! :)

yeahhh steem on :)))

I think your friend sounds condescending and arrogant.

it is just a hater :D

=D thanks for that lena <3 im planning to build a community now it so much fun >.<

you are welcome , steem on !

Just enjoy yourself here! Build a community and go for the ride!

thank you I will , Steem on !!

The good news is you know it is real. :-)

Lena, they said the same thing when Bitcoin was under $1. Yet still most people think Bitcoin is "fake" money at $1900 but we all know its a the real money and over time it will keep going up. The best way to think about why the Steem token has value is its utility in the the Steem network. The greater adoption of the Steem blockchain (not just Steemit) but the many Social Apps that are building on top using the Steem token. The great the price of Steem currency. The more users will equal more demand for a token that has limited supply. Metcalfe's law explains this type of network effect very clearly.

thank you very much for your info !! people dont believe cause they are used to government money

Yeah that's what everyone says until its not. Blockchains first killer apps have already begun. Its totally changed the way money is raised. Next will be the consumer DAPPS like Steemit built on Steem blockchain or Digix DGD gold tokens built on Ethereum's smart contracts. That's only naming a few 10,000 of thousands of decentralized apps are coming to hit mainstream over next two years. Its better for early adopters to have more time before we hit a massive hype cycle as public starts to admit they bought crypto like in 99' .com stock boom.

Snowball system
Opportunity cost
"Einmal googlen und du bist sclauer"

I don't know about you but if he were my friend i'd bully his self esteem to the ground for being the stuck up nerd that he is.

Im sorry for being harsh about it. It's normal for people to doubt something so good to be true but to solidify an assumption and implicitly call out the other person as "nicht schlau" are the characteristics of a hater in the making. Being a nerd is Okay, because God knows I am secretly a closeted nerd, and I'm aware of it. It's the refusal to listen to other people's sharing of knowledge that just boils me (gotta stay calm).

But don't worry. "facts" and "data" won't budge him. Just keep on Steeming because when you're halfway to reach your goal of financial freedom via Steemit and word reaches him that you are the girl that "makes money Steeming" around town and cash out by the thousands at a time, He will secretly be a Steemian without telling you. And who knows he'll both our follower. Hehehehe

no this is not too hursh, I also begun to act hursh, cause as you said - nicht schlau- it is just mean, but a hater will be our fan :D probably , thank you for your post , I enjoyed to read it ::) soon we will say- In Your Face :D

Thanks for the link, I hadn't read that one yet. I remember there being another one which if you digged deep enough you'd find the roots of it being to someone connected to Bitcoin and/or Tone Vays who has been calling it a scam even without even knowing that the Steem Blockchain actually saves data that peoples post publicly and open-source.

This is something that is happening everywhere. I remember when there was only bitcoin and I kept telling people in r/investing on reddit about it. It always got a very very negative response. They also told me stuff like your friend "I better just put it in stock this and that - bitcoin sounds stupid and scammy". Look at it now, you can buy someone reddit gold with bitcoin.

The most ridiculous thing here is that Steem is being put in a bad light from Bitcoiners who should know better what gives a currency its value. I think they are just pissed off that they put in so much money into centralizing the mining scene and don't want to accept that proof-of-stake is already secure and safe to use, thanks to Dan and the team. They don't want to admit that wasting millions of dollars per day in electricity is a shitty way of going forward in the future and scaling, buying computers that you can only do 1 thing with and are useless if Bitcoin would hardfork and go proof-of-stake which Ethereum is planning on doing.

It could very well just be jealousy, jealous people who were a part of the platform since the start and might be trying to bring it down so their own stack of another currency doesn't lose any value. They fail to realize that bitcoin is the worst at getting people interested in cryptocurrencies and their true innovation, they like to throw the word faucet around which is just ridiculous and they like to hoard their stacks for future profits and greed.

They also fail to realize that they should thank Steem for being able to introduce this great innovation to the masses in a much simpler way that is being worked on making it even simpler with development. Thank them that with the income of millions of users into the tech they might still find some use to use bitcoin for storage or big and safe transactions, cause in the microtransaction section they have failed miserably and let it go on for way too long without adapting.

That'sa bit mixed with speculation but something I've started to give more thoughts about lately, the alt-coin markets have proven to take over more and more of the total cap of block-chain stocks over the last years.

Tell your friend that its worth re-searching more and not trust the first or second link on google he might find, there is a lot of misinformation going around in today's internet. Cryptocurrencies are not the only ones effected in this.

One of my biggest goals in the future is to reach freedom!! that its your words and mine

Good luck convincing people!@lizanoamdsoul made a post that maybe you can use to convince people! Its here:

Hey, its their loss if after you tried to convince them they keep being reluctant.

When you get filthy rich they will beg you to help them join Steemit.

I can understand why people are skeptics of Steemit. I suppose they will need to see a bunch of us become millionaires before they will jump on board and sign up.

someday they'll regret it :)

They are missing something. Humans lost faith in the good and are sceptical. Things are changing now