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RE: @thesloth @thedumpster @thedelegator @steemservices @danknugs @nextgencrypto @berniesanders You can't flag me if I don't post anymore

in #steem8 years ago (edited)

It took me some time, but I got my miners working. You wouldn't believe how hard it is to install windows 7 on anything these days. The miners are working much more reliably now, windows 10 makes so many assumptions about its use by 'consumers'. I am a producer, I can't afford a system that randomly updates every other day and refuses to obey my startup scripts.

No, I have already dirtied my soul enough by being tangled up with people like ned and nextgencrypto. I will be doing what is necessary, and little by little more and more people are putting their hands up to join the project.

I am aiming for a halloween release. Keep your ears to the ground.


Thanks for the update. I've looked at Decent and Scrypto, maybe places to flee and start from the beginning like the whales did here.

I'll stick with my plan - building steem again properly, from their latest (19.1) code. A clean chain, with better rules, especially ones that limit spammers, trolls and scammers, I think we could mow them down like the giant tractor-pulled lawnmowers I saw in Bavaria... :) They were epic:

This is actually smaller than the machine I saw in Bavaria. Shame I didn't snap it as I passed through on the way to steemfest!

Welcome to the future, bitches!


You shoulda seen that lawnmower attachment on that giant tractor I saw. It could slash a whole acre in like 5 minutes, I sat there watching it while eating some delicious apples on a tree next to the road overlooking the field this mower was running on. I can't believe I can't find any pictures of these incredible machines. The tractor was pretty incredible too.