5 Reasons Why Cryptocurrency is The Greatest Opportunity of Our Time

in #steem7 years ago

Hey everyone! Yesterday I posted some questions about crypto that I constantly get asked and one that I didn't mention is probably one of the most important questions that I ever have to answer: "Why is crypto a good opportunity?"

My answer to this is as follows and really takes the question of "why is crypto a good opportunity" and spins it into a question of why it's the greatest opportunity of our time.

Let's start with a few of the most important fundamental technologies and philosophies that govern crypto (in my opinion):

  1. Decentralization of power, money, influence...
  2. Efficient Processes
  3. Reliability
  4. Network Effects

1). The Decentralization of Power, Money and Influence

One of the most attractive parts of cryptocurrency, in my opinion, is the re-distribution of wealth and power that it brings to our society... Many cryptos (like STEEM! - our favorite crypto) have the incredible capacity to actually distribute wealth to the little guys (that's you and me!).

If you take Steem as an example, we're re-distributing money in the form of STEEM and SBD back to each other by using the network and growing it and then receiving payout rewards for doing so. Rather than line the pockets of huge corporations and investors like Facebook, we can actually line our own pockets by making the world a better place and growing the Steem ecosystem.

Following on this Steem example, look at how the ecosystem is governed. It's governed by us!! It's "citizens". Rather than have Facebook execs and governments deciding what we say and what powers we have, we can actually vote on witnesses who have the same passions and ideas as we do. We can decide what this blockchain evolves into, we can decide what to change and what not to.

2). Efficient Processes

There's a lot of beneficial aspects to cryptocurrencies and blockchain applications. Efficiency is definitely one of them. Crypto's tend to perform the same functions as major institutions and companies while processing those functions much faster and much more reliably.

Take banking for example, while there are some kinks and caveats to storing money in crypto (volatility, exchange risk, etc.), there are a lot of benefits to storing and transacting cryptocurrency.

  1. You don't have to wait for long banking times and business hours
  2. You (usually) don't have to pay enormous fees for regular transactions
  3. You don't have to rely on someone else to hold your money for you
  4. Rather than lose money to inflation each year, you can actually earn money through staking and other benefits

3). Reliability

Cryptocurrencies are some of the most reliable networks currently available. The blockchain (and similar technologies) provide us an immutable and decentralized storage facility for information, contracts, transactions and much more!

4). Network Effects

The network effect refers to the ability and requirement of a network to grow by having its user base grow. Without a growing and large user base, many networks (like twitter, facebook, Steemit, Ark, etc..) are useless and not valuable.

The network effect is extremely relevant to the growth of cryptocurrencies. Without usage, these platforms will not be worth anything. On the other hand, as usage increases exponentially, so will the value of the network and as the value of the network increases exponentially so will the attraction of new users... And so goes the cycle of how multi-billion dollar networks are formed.

So those are my reasons why crypto is the greatest opportunity of our time. I don't just talk about it, I live it. My friends ask me how confident I am in crypto and I respond by saying, "I'm confident enough to hold about 40% of my net worth in a variety of crypto's."

Disclaimer: Nothing said here is to be taken as financial advice. This is purely my opinion and is for entertainment purposes only. Do your own research and never invest more than you are willing to lose.

Here's the Question of The Day, don't forget to post your answers in the comments!

Do You Believe Crypto is the Greatest Opportunity of Our Time? Why or Why Not?

Thanks for reading! Don't forget to leave your thoughts below and I look forward to seeing you in the comments!



Yes, I believe crypto is the grates opportunity because it is the future. The entire international monetary system will fail if the dollars fails. Investors must be alert for the indications and warnings of which path the economy is traversing. By the way, are you getting bitcoin, litecoin etc right now? Market is perfecto buy.. what do you think?

I believe.... REVOLUTION!!!! Power to the people again... Best time ever.... Have a great crypto adventure everyone...

YES! YES! YES! Right on point my Friend! :)

Nice post as for me i still not so sure but i hope that the crypto will lead us to a better future thank u @khaleelkazi

I agree. I’m hopeful that crypto will develop into something that fix our system but I’m cautious

That’s totally right specially this present time and what’s happening to the crypto it seems that we will not be able to get out of the control of the governments

Brother!! You nailed it. These are so obvious but precise.

  • They are all so important. Decentralization puts the currency value back into the hands of the people who hold it not a few regulators. This also feeds back into number 4, network effects. Decentralization allows for freedom in the network without getting swamped in commercials.

  • Just as 1 and 4 go together, 2 and three are a team. Reliability and efficiency are the practicality of using crypto. I got a check from a university in America for work done as an Advisory. It took a month to receive the check. Then I sent it to my bank in Korea and they sent it back to America and then charged me 30 dollars in fees and are in the process of transferring back to my Korean account with in the next 18 days. Meanwhile the price of the plane ticket I wanted to buy to Chicago just went up 100 dollars in the last five minutes.

  • On the other hand when I sent coins buy steem it is almost instant and no charge.

Thanks @mineopoly!!

You are 100% on point in putting these ideas together. I also love your example of how the banking system is tying up your money. The current system is just so inefficient and its all in benefit of the large institutions. Crypto allows us to put that power in our hands by allowing us to build networks that have near instant transaction times, low or no transaction fees, a plethora of options for which currency to use, and we can actually earn currency for holding/staking certain cryptos... It's just a matter of time for the rest of the world to catch on to what we all already know as Steemians.. Thanks a lot for your great response @mineopoly!!

Thank you for you reply and thank you for house cleaning.

Anytime! I hate that type of spam garbage 🙄

Great overview!

Yes - This is a amazing technology. Solves a lot of problems.

I would also add censorship resistance as a key value. If you don't mind giving up privacy and censorship resistance, Bitcoin users can have fast no fee transactions w/ zero volatility risk today. It's called Square Cash & there's no token or ICO involved. Bitcoin is the base of a whole new open & distributed financial system that will be built on top, the protocol must remain decentralized & censorship resistant. That is the priority.

I agree! Yes, bitcoin is just the beginning of a whole new era of open & distributed systems for nearly every industry! I hope bitcoin stands the test of time but it is inevitable that it’s fundamental technology will be around for decades to come!

Totally just the beginning, can't wait to see what comes of all of this amazing crypto space!!

Haha! Big things are surely coming!!!

Crypto currency has proven it's relisnility these past few years in fact many people have become millionares as a result of this, for example our SBD and steem have been here for a while rewarding people for content creation and helping make dreams come through.

It's also becomes a mainstay just like today our steem was listed and recognised by biance

Yes I think it's the greatest, because it makes you rich the smarter and better you become by predicting, buying, selling investing and become in smarter again.

Absolutely @josediccus! SBD and Steem have completely changed my life and the lives of several people I’ve recomended Steemit to! I also agree with the fact that it rewards knowledge, learning, curiosity and patience... those who have these qualities will get rich from crypto - financially, intellectually and otherwise!

me too! It's a great thing and I think a lot more people will benefit from it over time as well!!

I hope so! That would be great for the world!!!

Agreed. It would be amazing for all!

I agree with you and I firmly believe that crypto currency is the future. I still think we are only just getting started. The Steemit blockchain could further evolve to create a way to have everything stored it a true cloud unlike our current “cloud” that is a bunch of servers and databases. Everything could truly be in the control of the people instead of major corporations.

good job,,,,i am also agree with you sir


I also agree with you ;)

Haha thank you :)

Of course mate, the blockchain technology is the future, you know been into the crypto galaxy now, is like using the internet in the 90s, we have to be proud to be in now ;)

I 100% agree @tradewolf!

Totally like the internet in the 90s!!

Haha... RIght!?

The internet in the 90s and also like the cell phone in the 90s!

good work.


Great work!! ;)

Haha thank you gal!

It really is great, you should talk about more crypto in the future!

thanks for sharing this @khaleelkazi, really interesting to hear your thoughts on why cryptocurrency is the greatest opportunity of all time.

I agree with all of your points, especially the efficient processes point.

To answer your question, I think that the blockchain is the greatest opportunity of our lifetime, and that cryptocurrencies play a big part in that success. The blockchain offers so much possibilities, for one it offers us cryptocurrencies. But, it also offers the opportunity for things like Identification generation for refugees, so that they will be recognised worldwide, it offers to possibility of fee-less charity donations, that can't be used in any malicious ways due to the transparency of the blockchain.

I work full time in ICO consulting, and it is clear that there are some amazing upcoming projects that are real possible game changers, and to be honest I think there are too many opportunities to list - but cryptocurrencies have so much to offer others, and I can't wait to see their future.

I am working on a Steemit incubator for absolute beginners, where I manually curate 5-10 undervalued posts per day, provide a full guide to success for beginners and offer graphic design support to some really outstanding newcomers, all for free. In order to make this a reality, I am trying to find delegated SP - if this is something you are interested in, get back to me please.
If you do not want to do that, all of the upvote value of my current posts will be put in to SP for the project, so if you want to support the community, you can help out that way too. Thanks again for sharing!

I'm not sure of crypto. There needs to be an exchange of goods or services or information that the buyer finds valuable enough to pay for. Where does the money for payouts come from? No one here is putting money in. I would like to see more people posting how they are spending their SBD. All that said I be steemin anyway!

Well said Sir!
Crypto is sure a place for all even though it has depreciated now,we know for sure it won't last up to 2weeks

You're right, now or never


Now or never! A great tagline ;)

A great tagline indeed!

In answer to your question, yes, investing in cryptoassets IS the greatest opportunity of our time. BUT it is not without risks. However, what is this generation left to do? Most Americans are drowning in student loan debt. Asians are priced out of the real estate markets in their hometowns. Europeans are looking at economies with 20-30% youth unemployment... So I mean what else is there?

Hey hey heeeeey.

Hey hey heeeeeeeeeey.

Wassa wassa wassa wassa wassa wassa wassa wassa wassaaaaaap bitconneeeeeeeeeeect.

Hey hey hey everybody my name is Carlos Matos and I am coming from New York City New York.
Let me tell you guys that I am so excited I am so happy I am really so thrilled to be right
now sharing this amazing glorious super exciting moment of my life with all of you guys and let me tell you that we are really changing the world as we know it. The world is not anymore the way it used to be


How do you think about Facebook ban the ads relating crypto , friend ?

Ever since I started learning about crypto I’ve been obsessed. I think the technology is revolutionary and I’ve only started learning about it since September. I just started on Steemit last week and now I am constantly trying to learn more. I got my 7th friend to sign up today and they are all waiting to get their accounts. Regardless of what’s happening with the market since January I still feel extremely optimistic about crypto and now Steemit :)

Great points. Huge fan of #1. Power to the people. Now we have platforms like Steem that are governed by the community.
Screen Shot 2018-01-29 at 7.54.52 PM.png

Sex sells.... they exit scammed us in a glorious fashion! Read below.


I feel the crypto easier transactions, perhaps some countries disagree with crypto, I'm sure they have their reasons.
Thanks @khaleelkazi

Do You Believe Crypto is the Greatest Opportunity of Our Time? Why or Why Not?

Yep it's definitely the grreatest opportunity of our time. I would've been still broke if it hadn't been for crypto and of course Steemit. Broke not because I didn't work hard but because of a failed and corrupt economic system.

So blockchain being decentralized is and will help a lot more people and situations which I was in. I'm truly grateful for blockchain tech and crypto and am excited for what the future holds.

"I'm confident enough to hold about 40% of my net worth in a variety of crypto's."

Just did the math, i also got 40% of my net worth in cryptos, but until the end of the year that number will probably rise to 75%... i don't need money at this point of my life so i better invest it.
BTW what do you think of EOS? been thinking of changing my money from ETH to EOS, or maybe NAS...

Not to nitpick, but that seemed like only 4 reasons... ugh @khaleelkazi, get it together ;)

I think this article has some great timing is what I think. With the market diving today it's a great reminder of why we're here in the first place. There are going to be dips and FUD from a variety of sources, especially mainstream media, so the volatility is going to be there. Whether we can handle it depends on whether we think it will succeed.

I'm a big believer in this technology fixing some of the issues I have with how our society works. #1 is a huge reason I'm here! I was comfortable enough to invest an amount that was moderately significant to me and wish I had a bit more fiat that I'd feel comfortable putting in, especially on a day like today...

Another out of this world post my Friend! I strongly believe that Cryptos are the Greatest Opportunity of Our Time! One of the main reasons in my humble opinion is thanks to the GREAT STEEM and the GREAT STEEMIT COMMUNITY! Look at how many millionaires were made thanks to Cryptos. I am BEYOND happy for them! I missed the Bitcoin train, but I know in my heart the Steemit train I am not missing! I'm encouraging my Family, Friends and Clients to join Steemit! It is going to be a PHENOMENAL year for the Steemit Community and it is so well deserved! More and more individuals are realizing the potential and power of Steem and Steemit! All the best! Positive Energy! Great Karma! Your Friend @extraterrestrial :)
