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RE: Why Steemits "New Tab" Is NOT SCALABLE

in #steem7 years ago

Totaly agree. There is too many posts and its all jumbled in one section. I said b4 that there should be more tabs. Even rep tabs something like 25-35 35-50 50--65 65+ reps There isnt enough organisation for new users and authors to get their content the valuable exposure.


Yes we will need more specified categories as well at some point. Just some sort of filter to reduce and over-flowing feed.

Thanks @jacobcards for my vote.
As we were writing and commenting about steemits lack of transparency and having a more operatable UI the very next day we get a new interface and also tag selection
I actually like this new interface which may explain why steemit was having such a bad 2weeks+ , yet I myself experienced Network Error, Transaction Error yesterday as I submitted my post. I kept getting same error msg so I left it & came back to it this morning to try again, to my horror my post was submitted 3 times so I had to edit out the txt on the extra 2 posts to try stop any upvotes. I couldn't delete my post which is frustrating because I had no upvotes or comments but when I edited out the txt & explained why there was 3 post the same I started receiving votes. Anyways I left a link to my original post which was actually submitted 6 hours ago when I was receiving that network error msg. So although we have a new look and some new selections on the platform the steemit devs still have to tweak sections like what I experienced yesterday. It as spamming my post which is NOT COOL for myself & other Users.