"VP" comes from purchasing Steem asshole. You know it and I know it. Either that or from getting delegations.
Kindly fuck off with your bullshit. I have had enough of you scum.
Here is proof for you @oldoneeye
This is from the Steem FAQ.
It says and I quote "Though not considered an investment, you can purchase STEEM tokens which can go up or down in value. You can power up these tokens into Steem Power, which grants more influence in the Steem platform."
So I want to stress the part that says "You can PURCHASE Steem tokens" <--- the operative word is "purchase" Steem tokens.. next I want to point out "You can power up these tokens into Steem Power, which grants more influence in the Steem platform." and I want to stress the part within which states "You can POWER UP these tokens" <--- This is where you get VP or "voting power" from.
So us as in average joes have to purchase VP, but whales who "mined" steem like Bernie Sanders just printed their Steem from thin air and never had to spend one red cent.. which created an uneven playing field, by which created pretty much two social classes on Steem out of the gate. The haves and the have nots. And the HAVES didn't even BUY what they have. And then to boot they (bernie and his sock puppets) abuse that VP by harassing everyone on Steem. Then his supporters who live in fear of his downvotes pretend all is well, and defend the shit, and give out disinformation to people because like I said before "their hand is in the cookie jar".
I hope this helps explain my view point @oldoneeye
ps I like your name.. really cool name choice man!
The author behind @kawaiicrush spends every waking moment of his pathetic life thinking about @berniesanders. He claims @berniesanders has made over 11 million dollars in Steem and is INSANELY jealous he could never live such an amazing life. He's SO fucking pathetic he will make multiple posts and comments with ABSURD claims just to get the attention of his 8 pathetic followers who also have nothing better to do with their time than dream about @berniesanders and the life they will never live. How fucking pathetic can someone be, @kawaiicrush?