I'm new to steemit currently spending some time looking at content posted here and I stumbled upon this post.
There just seems to be a lot of spam on this site and I feel like the blatant monetary incentive of this site kind of poisons the content that is posted to it. People post purely in the hopes of making money, they create the content with the intention of it getting them money.
Places like medium are a much better place for people who are confident in what they talk about to express themselves and they post it because they have something to say, not something to earn.
See, this whole blogging type of thing isn't something I'd normally be doing before discovering this site. The monetary aspect of the platform intrigued me, and I love the idea of crypto which is a big part of the reason I joined. Even being a small account I've made more money than I ever expected to even come close to when I signed up, and it's a nice little distraction from the monotony of life. It's just not something I'm quite passionate enough to take the time to do with no opportunity to make a few extra bucks. Yet at the same time I'm not in dire need of the money enough to really want to continue to do it if nobody really cares about what I have to say, and the cash just comes from random one time upvoters. Because I put a decent amount of time and effort into 95% of the content I create. So I'm in a bit of an awkward position.