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RE: Steemit Update

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

They’re a business paying themselves from volatile markets? This place is more like a used car lot where hucksters abound, I’d say. This platform was abandoned for a new UI, has sat pretty much unchanged in beta for well over two years, and SMTs are delayed. What kind of serious business stakes staff salaries entirely on the volatile markets?

The tough times are for those who have put everything into this place. I’m sure Ned and crew have more than enough of a financial pad to be alright.


I agree that paying your staff with highly volatile currency isn’t very smart. There should have been a big chunk of USD set aside for 5-10 years to deal with a highly volatile market. That being said this is the situation we’re in now... all we can do is move forward

That’s just the thing for me, though. Moving forward is what I thought this UI was supposed to all about. But now SMTs are further delayed, here we are still in beta after over 2 years, and now they’ve laid off 70% of the team and are switching to a new website.

Smells fishy as hell to me.

That and new users can now only comment/post a few times before RCs are depleted.

I was a big evangelist for this project and site, but no longer. Now they cannot even pay staff unless the crypto market is thriving?

Anyway. Venting a bit here. I appreciate your reply.

None of your venting is wrong.