These are all fair questions - while a lot of this project is already completed, it will be much easier to answer these questions once we get a little bit closer to completion. I believe the answer to #1 is 'probably not in the first iteration'. This is also being implemented as a plugin, so it can still be done the 'old' way.
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Good to hear of this progress Justin.
Is development still on the schedule Ned outlined a couple of weeks back? ie to have it ready to roll out by end of January-ish ?
Tomorrow, Thursday 8pm - 11pm on MSP Waves we have the second State of Steem Forum - this week focussing on Technology including nodes, RocksDB etc.
Would you or anyone else from Steemit Inc be able to pop along for 20 minutes to give an update and maybe answer a few questions?
Thank you
Promoter of The SOS Forums : Weekly Discussion Forums on the State of Steem.
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Editor of the weekly listing of steem radio shows, podcasts & social broadcasts.
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Correct me if I’m wrong, but wouldn’t the extra RAM be used by the OS as buffer cache for the disk-backed RocksDB files, like every other disk-backed database?
Yes, RocksDB itself does technically do this (or not if
is set to false) - certain things could also be supported through runtime/compile time options. I believe the OP may have been asking about something more like using different storage methods for portions of the DB and not necessarily OS level caching.