Happy Friday!
Yes I said “Meme” and no, I have not been drinking...
Ok, so here is the deal.. we need more people talking about Steem, out there. So what better way than through memes? 😄
Now, I don’t want to hear about the actual definition of a Meme here (cough, cough Crim) I am using the term loosely for a photo with some wording that is eye catching and understandable while serving a purpose.
What purpose?
Get the STEEM name in front of people in a fun way.
Let’s make some to market STEEM and then share them, off Steem.
They can be funny, or inspirational. It can focus on any aspect of the chain that you find beneficial.
let’s stay away from “make lots of money” as it’s not really realistic and sets expectations that lead to let down and possibly people leaving in the long run.
I used the community aspect...
With this text
Clearly I am not a professional meme maker, but you get the idea!
1). Get the STEEM name in front of people not here yet. Share to Twitter, facebook, Pinterest or whatever social media you prefer. BE SURE TO USE TAGS THAT WILL ATTRACT PEOPLE OUTSIDE OF STEEM! (While also of course including #Steem itself)
2). Use visuals to get their interest and make them curious. So let’s keep it positive 😉
3). Give a link to the Steem Telegram (https://t.me/steemnetwork) for easy onboarding and to answer questions.. plus RETENTION.
5). Have some fun... you guys remember fun, right?
You can make a post here on Steem to get the word out and get more people involved.
Plus there may be some upvotes 😱
Yep, make a good quality Steem marketing meme.. post to social media and share in the comments below and the best one may get some nice upvotes.
The amazing @acidyo already offered to give a few to the best ones, and I’m sure some other accounts will follow suit.
To qualify to receive an upvote it’s pretty simple-
1). Make a good quality original meme that markets Steem.
2). Post to your social media accounts and include:
- link to the Steem telegram group —> https://t.me/steemnetwork
- include tags that are popular outside of Steem too.use the tags #STEEM and #STEEMMemes then try to
3). Then you can either;
make a post on Steem with your meme and links to where you posted it (twitter etc). The post should include the point of the meme and talk about this initiative as the goal is to get more people to do it. Then link it the comment below.
Put your meme and link to where you posted it elsewhere in the comments below (without making a post).
How will “winners” be chosen?
We will take a look at the popularity of the meme (think retweets/likes etc) and the quality etc. There may not be one decided winner, rather multiple may receive some extra upvote love. We will have to see how this goes 🙂
Don’t want to enter the contest but just want to make a meme?
Awesome! Do that, let’s all do it and then tell everyone else to do it too 🙂
Not in the STEEM telegram group yet? Get your bum over there https://t.me/steemnetwork
Meme on,
Hello, newbie here :)
Me too :D
Hey there! Welcome to Steem 🙂
Make sure you check out the faq
Join the telegram group to get any questions answered by fellow community members and to help you find your people 🙌🏼
Thank you very much
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Magic Dice has rewarded your post with a 63% upvote. Thanks for playing Magic Dice.
You have receive an upvote. Thanks for playing moonSTEEM
Yup. No fees. No waiting time either. Can you even imagine what that means for the (d)apps you want to build on blockchain?
Hahaha! Great one!
Transactions make me sad :')
Posted with
Lol! love it! I’m going to drop it here so everyone can see it.
I hope you guys aren't seriously contemplating tweeting this out, with the #MeToo movement so strong right now this is the last thing women want to see. You are going to alienate a whole lot of women with this one. But then again when it comes to making right decisions.....
I would think most people would be smart enough to separate a recognisable meme from sexual harassment. Idk because some women think very differently to me, but I doubt many women would feel alienated from a meme using a recognisable format / template.
As a women, I do not feel alienated by a very well known and hilarious meme.
It’s a joke, and not an offensive one. I agree with you 😉
No it's never a joke when the one your with stares down another women's body parts, to brush something like that off you would literally have to be in the relationship for something other than love, have no self confidence or esteem or just plain like abuse. It's not well known anywhere I know of except here where I've seen it dozen of times and it's definitely not as funny as you tend to think....unless of course you really are a man.
That meme is all over the internet and it is used for all sorts of things. I've seen it on every social media platform I'm on. It's not as obvious and recognisable as something like the Old El Paso "why don't we have both?" girl but it's a pretty common meme.
No there's no separation at all except in maybe a man's mind.
I'm a woman though...
And to me there is a massive separation between humour and the rest of life, unless the humour is being used as a coping mechanism for real life.
As a group, friends, my partner and I will play Cards Against Humanity and I have played some very very offensive cards over time but that doesn't mean I agree with those cards or think those things in real life because for me at least humour and everything else is very separate, and I believe you will find that is true for a lot of people who enjoy dark or offensive humour, but this meme isn't even that offensive. I'm quite caring in real life, but I will play funny offensive cards or making funny offensive jokes if they are funny (and sometimes in the case of the cards it is because the combination is that apt and just fits, regardless of if you agree with it).
Some people who enjoy offensive humour are people who are actually offensive people and act like dicks in real life, but that's not true for all of us.
In reality this meme is harmless either way, but there's certainly people who separate memes and other humour from real life so you can't just claim that there's no separation at all. For me, and I know for at least some others too, there is a huge separation between the two.
But your statement can't be correct, because you said "there's no separation at all except in maybe a man's mind" but I'm female.
We can disagree on whether we personally think it is offensive or not and that's probably the best thing to do here, but that statement is factually incorrect, proven by my existence.
I figured I'd get responses as such from my statement, especially on here where the tendency seems to always flow in the same direction from those above or who posted the posting (geez I wonder why that i$.) So I took the liberty of running this as a hypothetical question after making a another meme out of this picture after changing the words to rebranded company, owner and company....whereas so far most are in agreement with me that this isn't an appropriate meme to use unless it's aimed at men and/or other comments that one may be trying to sell an advertisement for marriage counseling it would be fine.
This made me chuckle.
Funny :)
Based on one of the few responses it stilllll seems that people think steem is steemit
Try it - #changemymind
😄 I think we did
The quality meme we are looking for
phahah :D
Hahahahahahahahahaha! That's epic... I gotta throw this a vote...
Best one right here lol.
You've got
!To view or trade
go to steem-engine.com.More like fake fish and bots.
Courtesy of the Special Broadcasting Service Australia (SBS)
When Steemians see an opportunity to get the Steem name out into the twittersphere...
The first post and tweet is out!
Have a great day
💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝💝 https://partiko.app/zanoni/steem-meme-contest-0mryzzp5?referrer=zanoni #Steemmemes #Steem
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Like this one Zanoni !
That's exactly what we need. A Steem marketing campaign to attract new users, my saying a long time already...
That's why I started my website and blog
some months ago....
I'm definitely in and I will share good meme posts on my blog, for sure!
Let's Just Do It
Have a great day
Tom https://steempartiko.wordpress.com/
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Posted using Partiko Android
😂 love it
I actually won a markymark contest with this believe it or not! 😊
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nice! :)
Thank you @trayan 😁
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here is my attempt :-)
Wish I knew how to do transparent backgrounds though!
No censorship just flagged until you have to go. Or get frustrated.
And totally feel this one. It's like the hordes of zombies are the toxic and greedy people and groups here.
There are good people. Just not enough to balance out the radical vegans that want to be fascist control freaks.
I suck at memes, sorry 🤪
The Steem promise
Posted using Partiko iOSHere you go. @justineh
People who bought STEEM in January 2018.

Hey darling... I have a really good meme for us to spread this social media... don’t forget to check my profile! Kisses, from Naza!
hahahah I feel like the baby
even better !
genius :)
Not sure what kind of users we will get with this ..
I saw Thanos and couldnt keep reading. Havent seen avengers yet somehow and dodging spoilers has become art of the ninja.
Don’t blame you 👍... hate spoilers was like that with GOT.. failed miserably my advice watch it and get it out of the way ...
May I use this? Is love to tweet it
Sure that was the whole purpose of the campaign, use it anyway you like. I am just not on twitter and nobody on my FB would be interested in Steem, most are just a small group of family and friends.
Great initiative @justineh, here is my steem post.
My tweet.
And my meme.
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Posted it in the terminal hopefully get the passengers to blog and bragg about it ....
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Fast ride to freeedooom!
Nice! I will help and give up some upvotes to top memes as well.
Awesome thanks Dan!
Does Facebook or Instagram have a cannabis strain named after it? NOPE!
Let's grow!!
If anyone wants to use my memes go ahead... partiko only allows one pic per comment. Sorry for blowing the comments up. Jk not sorry
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absolutely yes. I too have them among my assets.
They are such a good set of assets.
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This is my "I want to take Steem seriously, but also can't" type of meme.
I have literally talked about steem every day for over 2 1/2 years to all my friends, family, and everyone that I've ever met. My family is so sick of hearing about it but they just don't believe in the cryptocurrency world.
I will continue to push it however. Also 2 featured posts? Wow you are going to grow this account faster than that tomato bush that I tried to grow in the backyard last year. Of course it never really grew at all so I guess that doesn't count.
Great job! #STEEM needs more and more believers like you. Just maybe drop the word Crypto currency and rather try #digitalmoney that they can store in a #digitalwallet. And once they get into it you'll help them convert it if they so wish. Tell them they posting to Facebook for free anyways. Why not get a little something rather.
Haha! I know how that is.. I’m in a make it fun mode though.. in fact I may do some onboarding when I go to a little local music festival that some long lost friends will be playing at. What better way to get them here than with memes? 😂
I know, I had no warning on that one. I was told they will just randomly be selecting posts that are targeting marketing or things they find beneficial for now. Hopefully it helps get the word out!
I think I could chip in with a few memes lol! Memes are a great marketing tool! The Netflix meme campaign for bird box was insanely successful! If you haven’t, I really encourage you to check it out
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Steemit in a nutshell
Was she hot though? 🤣
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I drink plenty of water on the daily 😂
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QFT! Quoted for truth on the message...
...but seriously, can we say enough already with the Uncle Adolph memes?
Hitler memes are 🔥🔥🔥
~~~ embed:BxDieTpB-wn/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=uqlbf54xq2az instagram metadata:QnhEaWVUcEItd24vP3V0bV9zb3VyY2U9aWdfc2hhcmVfc2hlZXQmaWdzaGlkPXVxbGJmNTR4cTJheg== ~~~
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That describes exactly what I go through :)
And then when it hits $100 you might burst a blood vessel. Lol
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Here's a couple of memes I did last night. Feel free to use them in any way you want:
Also a tweet:
Nice idea, let's have some fun :^)
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posted to twitter this morning :^)
Ok, this isn't marketing related at all but, I didn't even have to edit this one.
You’ll have to change that flag to a scary red downward arrow though.. as that is so out of date. 😜
lol... Outdated.
That's so last year... Errr Yesterday! haha
How embarrassing for young Taraz.
I know.. I almost feel bad for him...
It is hard being green....
You've got DRAMA. You are going to be a Whale!
To view or trade
go to steem-engine.com.It is "safe" now - kind of like how "safe" the withdrawal method is.
huh. you kind of fade in and out now
🤣😂🤣😂😂🤣🤣 best comment section EVER!!
Like in Back to the Future?
Awesome, let the steem memes fly!!!
How can I get spammy junk posts to not show up as "FEATURED" at the top of my main page?
Push that big X in the right hand corner and move on, or use another front end.
I don’t think said platform would enjoy this meme. They seem to be going quite hard these days on shadow banning/banning/other nonsense.
That lady is holding a flag, you can't flag on Steem
But but... it’s a white flag ... for peace and all that. Oh!! Maybe we need to implement white flags.. which sort of mean solidarity. We should rage to the Steemit team about this ASAP 😜
Tell it to the judge lady. You're going down for a long long time.
Cops theme tune plays in the background
Yes, that's a vital change. Get to work!
I tweeted my Memes for Steem on tweeter today..
I love steem
Who are you and what have you done to @llfarms? ;o)
Haha! It’s still me.. just with more memes 😂
#steem ♨ On ! #seven77 Twitter Movements Already Started and Keep Going On and On ! 💙 ♬♬♬
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The power behind the human #STEEM Engine! Keep those pistons pumping!