A important question, please:Very nice, @tipu
If I put in to reinvest and receive tipu tokens, what will be the tipu token quote that I will receive ???
For example, assuming the cheapest token tipu sales order is 1.20 steem. Will I receive the tipu token on this quote or is there a fixed quote?
Thank you
When reinvesting in tokens the price is set to 1 TPU = 1 STEEM so it's better than buying TPUs on steem-engine market :)
off course. Thank you a lot for help me!!!
Just 1 more question. It will be always 1tpu= 1 steem?
Probably not, soon 1 TPU will be backed by 1.1 SP. This is when I will probably increase the price to 1.1 STEEM.
Thank you a lot!!!
Noticed that also. Why isn't the price for reinvesting always the actual backed amount of SP? Basically @tipU is donating money to reinvestments without the actual price.^^
It's not a huge difference yet, besides sharing is caring :P