
Outside the USA and in countries not under the FBI jurisdiction (control) that selfie thing is not required. Independent countries don't ask their citizens to sell their privacy for free to online sites, now you see them tomorrow they'll claim death in India or elsewhere and their heirs lose the password and information leaked, as usual. Can you name a single large site that collected too much info and wasn't hacked or leaked?

Posted using Partiko Android

Whether we agree with it or not is one thing, but that doesn't change the laws. If you want to participate in the crypto space (in the US), this is the direction things are going. Is it crappy that our data and privacy can be out there like that, sure, but there aren't a lot of other options.

Legally is what we make about it. A DAC can do whatever for example.

Until it is shut down and the creator charged with operating an illegal money transmitter business/exchange. We've already seen something like that happen: