Minnows and New Users Read This:

in #steem8 years ago (edited)

Are you tired of spending hours crafting the perfect post and then it gets no upvotes and no one even comments on it? Does it make you feel like giving up?

Well don't!

If that sounds like something you have done before I am here to offer you some advice that may help you along the way:

  1. Post at least 2-4 posts per day:
    This means that you need to commit to showing up and posting every single day. If you keep doing that, your network will slowly grow and the odds of getting at least one of your posts noticed goes up significantly.

  2. Post about things you want to post about:
    You don't need to post about what you think others will like, continue to post about what you like and like minded individuals will find their way to you.

  3. Spend your time in the comments section:
    Read posts that you like and then comment at the bottom. Respond to other poster's comments. This will help build relationships and also further your network.

  4. Be patient:
    This one can be difficult, but if you stick to the first 3 steps over time you will build a substantial network which in turn will reward you in your future postings.

  5. Don't worry about curation for the time being:
    It will take time for you to build up enough steem power to make curation worth your while. So, don't fret if it seems like you are voting and seeing no rewards for it. As your account grows, and your steem power grows, so will your reward potential.

I know right now it may seem hopeless but there is abundant opportunity for you out there if you put in the sweat equity and continue to work at it. Remember 90% of getting what you want out of life is simply showing up... or something like that :)

Also, remember that Steemit is still in its very early stage, and who knows, maybe someday it may replace a lot of the social media sites that exist out there today. If that is the case you are going to want to build up your network now before it does.

By working together we can all help each other. So join me, follow me, and upvote my posts. I will do the same for you. If we all do this, before long we will have large followings that will get our voices heard.

By working together we can help each other out and possibly get some nice rewards in the process!

Follow: @jrcornel


Good advice here, but... even 1- 2 stories per day can be challenging if a lot is put into them. Just sayin' -Upvoted!

Post do not have to always be stories or submitted articles. Your comments also count as post and can make you money. I read this in the white paper. So good related comments count also, you see active users have thousands of post and maybe a few blog post.

That is true... but remember you can always just post about somthing random that happened to you during the day, or a random thought you had, or even a funny joke you heard. You can also post news stories that you found interesting..... as long as you cite them ;)

Good article. I have 2 suggestions while you still have time to edit. Instead of "gets no likes" maybe "gets no upvotes" also you have "Spend you time" instead of "Spend your time".

updated, thank you!

Quantity will usually affect the quality of the posts. On the other side I can not disagree that chances for gaining more are stronger the more you push it. So we have a contradiction between wanting a better content and earning more. This is actually an indicator of early phase that steemit is in. And this is something I would like to change. So for now I guess you're right and that edventually you will benefit ;) Interesting post! Thanks!

One thing I was wondering too was posting frequency in regards to account age. Meaning is it more helpful to post frequently or strictly quality when first starting out in order to grow the fastest? If one chose frequency does he slow down as his account grows and matures to strictly higher quality posts?

Good points and thanks!

Great article, just wanted to add this: After posting, be available to respond to comments, like he has here. I have picked up most of my followers that way. You can't just post and walk away, you have to work it, engage with your readers every change you get.

Nice and helpful points. But one troubles me.
Do you really believe that you will get noticed if you post more? Rather than to post for quality say once a day or maximally 2 a day. Good content takes time.
I know its hard to get noticed. But I as a reader have very hard time going through all the new content and most of the time it's only to realize it's kinda spammy or desperate to get upvotes. For the most part, I try to contribute to others content and listen what are people saying instead of me being the talker. Sorry if this feel harsh but I believe that the best policy for success is quality, ​not quantity.

Yes and No. I believe that in order to increase your odds of having a post go viral your chances increase with each post, that is just statistics. However, there obviously is a point of diminishing returns where if you post hundreds of times per day you get muted and ignored. So, yes good content is always king, but don't let that get in the way of getting something out there... because you never know what will catch someone's eye. That is the point.

You made your argument sound honest and it makes it valid. But please have in mind us who read what we get our eyes on, that will be also good for you.

True. The best solution would be to churn out quality piece after quality piece all day long, but since that is not reasonable for most of us we have to meet in the middle somewhere. I agree though that posting just to post is not likely to get you anywhere...