Phew... thanks for including me in your post! Honestly when I started reading your article, I had this feeling of impending boom that mine was not good enough. I put a lot of effort into that introduction article - writing doesn't come naturally for everyone! I took my time at the start and noticed something: the posts who were light in content and done on the fly were not earning anything. Those who had some thought put in them did better. So that's what I tried.
I also read your other post on the second and third posts and it confirms what I expected. That introduceyourself tag gives you a nice little boost, but then you really have to work at it. I guess consistency is the name of the game. I'll see how it goes!
Yes, that's how it is, but don't give up.. you saw my post of $0.00 in the body of this one, we all start somewhere.
STEEM is low now but was $2.80 per token then. You have the potential of being seen more now that I ever did in March 2018.