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RE: Choose Your Path

in #steem6 years ago (edited)

This is a great vision for early adopters, but people who invested in steem around $4 fels more stuck! Your article gives me hope, but the fear is still there. I remember I was on bitmex and bit , I saw my earnings up to 40% but I was gready I wanted the 100% but the profits got lower and I saw a slight loss then 20% profit ( I wished to only reach the previous 40% profit) ! But I never saw a profit again.. slide down heavily even until 80% loss .. I was angry and stubborn at that cornered moment and told myself ( wait ... eaither to gain or to lose al, but will never stop in 80% loss) ... the result I waited until I saw my complete 1 BTC ( $8000) while getting liquidated in front of my own eyes!! All this happened during one day!
To reflect, I have the same cornered moment nowadays with Steem!! Cannot accept to sell in loss, still believing it could go up again ... thinking to buy more and double up !! But I just remembered what happened on bitmex !!!
Cannot think properly !!
Any supporting thoughts???


well, yes we can earn in crypto. but the most important thing is we learn.

I always liked the saying “ in crypto - and generally in file, we either earn or learn” !
Coz we shouldn’t call it “lose, but learn”.... I only call it “lose” if we stop trying, or if we repeat the same mistakes ! Nice talk but not easy to excute - at least for me!

exactly! 😊