Thanks for your feedback and welcome to Steem! People are who are in digital marketing understand the value that the Steem platform can bring to many different industries. It’s not just pro wrestling. That’s just the use case I chose because they are social media reliant and sales heavy. I know it’s never good to steal content and profit. I have been transparent that I’m not the content creator, and the blockchain is transparent that I have not profited. I hope that @steemcleaner and @cheetah processes do evolve over time, because right now, some of their processes absolutely suck. There needs to be a way to fund and run fan accounts that can show mainstream content creators what they are missing out on. This can be a very successful way to attract a much larger audience of quality content creators. As for now marketing Steem and on boarding can be a hassle and we lose out on growth. @steemcleaner and @cheetah are part of the problem. They irritate long term users and run off new users with the current way they handle potential identity theft and plagiarism. I get they have a job to do that provides value, but currently it’s at the expense of growth. For now, I’ll continue to fund new accounts and promote Steem to the pro wrestling community. Eventually, many of these content creators will want to own these keys and accounts.
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