I feel as if a git push
was missed or something. Your github repo is a sample chrome extension about movies :)
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I feel as if a git push
was missed or something. Your github repo is a sample chrome extension about movies :)
I just noticed the same thing lol
<label class="control-label" for="favorite-movie-dropdown">Favorite Movie</label> <div class="controls"> <select id="favorite-movie-dropdown" class="span5"> <option value="Star Wars IV: A New Hope">Star Wars IV: A New Hope</option> <option value="Monthy Python: The Search for the Holy Grail">Monthy Python: The Search for the Holy Grail</option> <option vlaue="Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan">Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan</option> <option value="The Matrix">The Matrix</option> </select> </div>
Haha that's left over example code. I will take that out when I get home. The main extension code should work. The movie code is just from the options menu. I would fix it now but I'm at work.
Your main code didn't even make it in I don't think.
If you look at the github repo, the only thing that's been updated in the last 3 years is the README.md, none of the code has changed.
All fixed now. It was an experiment. Trust me.
Was it successful? ;)