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RE: Clarifying my decision not to support EOS-related posts and witnesses (100% of post rewards donated to curation initiatives)

in #steem7 years ago

I was tempted to respond to this as well - but my other response covers this pretty well already.

After writing the above comment - I can with a straight face tell you that I personally won't have any problem distinguishing what's best for Steem regardless of the other platforms I work with.

I'm honestly shocked that people are more upset with the idea of a STEEM/EOS witness combo than they were a year ago about a STEEM/GOLOS witness combo. Golos was a direct fork of Steem and a direct competitor attempting to take away the Russian traffic from Steemit.

The FUD is a lot stranger this year.


We open sourced steemd and encouraged other builds. I'm not all that against nationalized versions that run separate, I for one cannot read cyrillic anyway. But I can go to a Forex and change dollars for whatever russia calls their shiny pebbles. And I can probably find a way to make steem into golos (golo's?) (goloses?)

By that extension I will also likely be able to get my steem turned into EOS and vice versa too. I don't see the forking and taking traffic away to another completely different language as that crazy. I cant read anything @clayop writes either, we might as well be on different chains.

I would argue about witnesses doing both though. Same as we are here about EOS and Steem. Not enough time in the day to do both well. Period. Then all the real, perceived or imagined (doesn't matter, still effects the market) conflicts of interest and there is no rational way I can justify it, despite a couple of you trying to defend a position that is IS possible to do both, in the midst of massive public opinion that disagrees here and in other venues where this discussion has occurred.

I would argue about witnesses doing both though. Same as we are here about EOS and Steem. Not enough time in the day to do both well. Period.

Come on... that's an opinion, not a fact.

I'm not going to argue here-say with you and I don't know what massive public opinion you're citing - but I'm also not going to let these opinions alter the decisions I've already made.

People can vote - that's how this system works. If I'm not pulling my weight I expect to lose votes - but I would hope I don't lose votes simply because people are running around FUD'ing my ability to execute.

The public opinion is literally making this page itself a nine mile scroll.

As for "opinion" lol, man, each week I have half a dozen witnesses on our various radio shows, every day I talk to probably more than a dozen by dm, and over the year Ive talked to nearly ALL of us at some point and to every single one who is actually present and visible they are killing themselves with neglect of life, and self to spend unimaginable hours working on this platform in various capacities, and achieving remarkable things.

To suggest you aren't? Probably isn't the best tack to take in a public space filled with reading voters...

Well, if you, I, lukestokes, donkeypong and a few others were't so engaged with eachother, it may only be about 3 miles :)

As for the opinion statement, it was purely about the part of the post I quoted. The specific part about you saying it cannot be done. I wasn't meant to question the entirety of your response and call it all "opinion".

Also who's suggesting I'm not? Did it seem like I was suggesting I'm not doing anything? I'm going to bed, I think my reading comprehension went to shit :)

yeah, its 5:30 am here too, and I woke up at 8 am yesterday, some two slices of pizza, 3 pees and 4 dog walks ago away from my keyboard at most.

So my explaining skills have also gone to shit.

I do think you guys with your asses straddling the fence will find that ends up being a pain in the ass.

yeah, its 5:30 am here too, and I woke up at 8 am yesterday, some two slices of pizza, 3 pees and 4 dog walks ago away from my keyboard at most.

So my explaining skills have also gone to shit.

I do think you guys with your asses straddling the fence will find that ends up being a pain in the ass.

Hah - sounds similar to my long day :)

You're right - It might end up being a pain in the ass - I'm not arguing that. I'm up for the challenge and if I fail I'll have to reevaluate.

I must say that while we disagree fundamentally I do agree with the notion that to let the voters decide

Well, if you, I, lukestokes, donkeypong and a few others were't so engaged with eachother, it may only be about 3 miles :)

As for the opinion statement, it was purely about the part of the post I quoted. The specific part about you saying it cannot be done. I wasn't meant to question the entirety of your response and call it all "opinion".

Also who's suggesting I'm not? Did it seem like I was suggesting I'm not doing anything?

The market cap of Eos is much higher than Steem, that creates some anxiety, where golos market cap is much smaller than steem.

Lots of people can lie with a straight face... especially to themselves.
Cork has my vote, you and luke do not, will not.

You're right, a lot of people can lie with a straight face. Are you trying to imply that I'm one of these people?

Well, are you a human? It is a problem I have only noted in humans so maybe you are a bot or an alien in which case, no, I do not mean you. "The professional blind spot" is a real thing, and when there is money on table, when one's livelihood or even reputation or peace of mind is at stake, humans DO lie to themselves. And we are total suckers for the most ridiculous bullshit when we are feeding it to ourselves.
Tell me, if you heard ANYONE else tell you they could work for Microsoft and Apple and always have the best interest of Microsoft AND Apple customers at heart, you would laugh at them, right?

I think so, though I hear there are theories out there about the other two possibilities :)

I'm not denying that humans do these things. What I'm trying to suggest is that it's not a guarantee that all humans will do this. You're right, humans DO lie to themselves and humans are suckers for absolute bullshit.

The comparison to Microsoft and Apple is an interesting one, albeit somewhat misleading. Microsoft and Apple do the same thing for the most part - Steem and EOS don't. A better comparison would be something like "Do you think someone could be on the board for Microsoft and Medium", in which case, I'd say "yes".

Actually being educated about what these products are and comparing them properly is one of the biggest problems I see with nearly every concern I've seen raised so far.

Let's look at what I think is a closer example, let's look at Josh Elman. He is on the board of directors for Medium (blogging social network), Discord (chat social network), and (video social network). This (IMO) is a far closer analogy since these platforms are fairly similar. Far more similar than Steem is to EOS. Those companies all seem to be doing pretty well (I read medium, I use discord), so I have to assume that he's able to operate, on the board of all of these companies, in a way that keeps all of those different businesses best interests at heart.

I am not sure what to tell you, and I'm honestly not sure what you (and others with similar opinions) think I should be doing. Do I have to quit working on Steem to dive into a (in my mind) non-competing platform? Is that what people want to happen here? Am I going to be forced to disclose all non-Steem work I do? I just don't understand where this is heading. I am not here to create drama, I'm here to contribute to the advancement of blockchain technology.

If your heart and imagination are captured by EOS, then that is where you should be putting your time and energy. What I want is witnesses who are putting steem first, second and third - at LEAST until this platform is fully functioning. Hearing top witnesses say things like/ "We do not want new users, we are not ready" almost made me quit about a week ago. I NEED NEW USERS. I am not part of the old boyzngirlz club, I am not going to ever be a "big player" but if new users were coming AND STAYING my blog would probably grow. It feels, from my perspective, like all the folks who made their money early are pretty content to coast and those of us who got here late keep getting told "You are an early adopter, just hang in there!" are, well, hanging out there.
I will say, I am quite impressed with how much time and effort you have spent to respond to me and to others; brownie point and duly noted. ;)

I will say, I am quite impressed with how much time and effort you have spent to respond to me and to others; brownie point and duly noted. ;)

I've appreciated the conversation! It helps me think about these issues as well, and put pen to paper to push some of these thoughts out into the ethos.

If your heart and imagination are captured by EOS, then that is where you should be putting your time and energy.

I really do wish it were that simple, time will tell if this is true or not. Over the past couple days even though I've been away from Steemit, I've still been thinking about this topic a lot.

At this point my imagination isn't captured by a single project, I have my fingers in dozens of different technologies that I'm researching and evaluating for various purposes. EOS is one of many, and while I'm attempting to be a part of it (with a larger team) - time will tell if that's even an opportunity I'd be lucky enough to have. For all I know we're going to be 80th on the producers list and not involved in any meaningful way.

What I will say though is that if at some point my focus becomes completely consumed by another individual blockchain (whatever it may be), I do agree that it would be best for Steem if I were to step aside. That point isn't now - and funny enough I'm actually excited by some of the progress I've made on wallet tech, which I'm looking forward to reusing when SMTs are released.

At this point I think I just need to let the next few weeks unfold. Everything is incredibly uncertain right now.

Hearing top witnesses say things like/ "We do not want new users, we are not ready" almost made me quit about a week ago. I NEED NEW USERS. I am not part of the old boyzngirlz club, I am not going to ever be a "big player" but if new users were coming AND STAYING my blog would probably grow. It feels, from my perspective, like all the folks who made their money early are pretty content to coast and those of us who got here late keep getting told "You are an early adopter, just hang in there!" are, well, hanging out there.

To shift into Steem topics, I get this, from both perspectives.

The hard part about it is what you capitalized, the AND STAYING part. It's a chicken or egg problem - with the divide being users won't stay until the experience is good enough vs users won't come back if it's not good enough.

Witnesses on Steem, when it comes to onboarding and growing, are largely powerless. Each one of these Steem powered sites, Steemit, Busy, etc, are all in control of their own destiny. While they may take a witnesses opinion more seriously than a random person, they are the ones ultimately deciding and the witnesses have no direct control over what these sites do or do not do to encourage growth.

That's why I set out to build chainBB and Reprint in the first place - to take that control and try to better improve the user experience. The problem I ran into though is that I couldn't do the things I wanted it to do - 90% of the time it was because the technology I needed didn't exist. That's why I've been working on more boring projects recently, that aren't user facing, because I want those tools to exist for the next guy like me who wants to come along and build something better.

I'm getting a bit rambly, it's been a long day. I hope I've at least shed a bit more light into what's going on... at least in my head :)

Ya' know, I am starting to like you in spite of myself... You earned my respect, and that is not really easily done.