Our supernatural writing contest is wrapping up this week with hundreds of authors collectively earning 3000+ Steem for participating as seen at http://jerry.tips/swc. We now have about 300 powerful new stories on our Steem blockchain each with 1,000+ words describing experiences worth sharing! These stories will introduce readers on Google and on social media to Steem indefinitely as users Google around subjects the stories describe and share what was read on social media!
@gmichelbkk has reviewed the entires and created three posts with lists of his top 10 favorites from the stories!
- My 10 Favorite Supernatural Stories
- 10 Supernatural Stories I Enjoyed Reading!
- 10 Supernatural Stories I Loved Reading!
I have read about thirty of the posts so far and plan to continue reading indefinitely to get caught up on what we already submitted! We are still going back through and collecting entries we missed because of the huge amount of submissions.
Today is the last day to submit any new entries because we are wrapping up the contest to make way for new contests and to get caught up with existing entries! If your entry is not listed at http://jerry.tips/swc, will you please share a link to it here because that will help us find it and get it listed?
Thank you to the hundreds of authors participating in the Supernatural Writing Contest which we hope was helpful both for each author in sharing the story and for the thousands of us reading the stories!
Jerry Banfield
@jerrybanfield u might like https://steemit.com/animals/@whitedolphin/animal-communication-bites
I think my entry was skipped @jerrybanfield. It wasn't listed
You can see the status of our story here: http://jerry.tips/swc
No more new entries please, last day was 1st March.
If your post was published before March 1 and it's not in the list here http://jerry.tips/swc, then let me know the link.
Ow..wasn't aware of the contest early enough.
There'll be other opportunities though, hopefully :-)
Thanks to @gmichelbkk and @jerrybanfield for the opportunity.
This is a link to my post though. Anybody interested is free to check it up. I hope you guys find it interesting
I read your story and upvoted it. You are welcome to enter the next contest.
Here's the link of my entry. Hope my entry is not too late. Thanks @jerrybanfield
Entries are closed now, thank you.
It's corrected, thank you @julieo.
Sir,, I do apologize but after checking
My entry wasn't there.
Here my link..
http://jerry.tips/swc https://steemit.com/jerrybanfield/@dionardronquillo/paranormal-experience-in-bulacan-swc
It is there and will be read soon @dionardronquillo.
Wow thats great and i am looking forward to see who the winner is
Awesome, I am looking forward to see who the winner is - I have also gone through a lot of them and they are really fun to read!
Thanks jerry we truly appreciate the hard work you put in to the community it's such a blessing to have you around , i will also try and be part of the writting contest , i wish all the competitors a healthy competion.
@jerrybanfield supernatural story contest is quite phenomenal looking at the number of entries it garnered. That is actually a good development as it would certainly help to engage Steemians more on this arduous platform.
Wow...3000 steem! That's huge. Not everyone can sacrifice that.
Thanks you @jerrybanfield
I really loved the one from @ufology
Thank you so very much, I enjoyed telling my stories, really appreciate the steem :):)
so good that you reserve a big part of the earnings of your bot to these projects.....loved to share my story in your SWC....hope people like you grow stronger on this platform. all the best and God bless you man
Hope my entry is n't too late. Thanks @jerrybanfield https://steemit.com/jerrybanfield/@hokpulor/a-life-awakening-supernatural-contest-swc
Thank you @hokpulor, I added your story to the list.
I am a fan of horror movie and I like reading as well. When I found @jerrybanfield SWC I can't help myself but read. While reading, my interest triggered to write and share my supernatural experience. Ghost is somewhat fiction for me and often neglected the fact that they do exists. One thing I've learned based on my experience is that whether you believe it or not every creatures even ghost should be respected. Here is my SWC entry:
My postThankyou very much mr @jerrybenfield .
Thankyou @jerrybenfield
Thank you @munawire, I have added it to the list.
I submitted my entry for the contest, but it didn't get a chance to be seen, here's the entry @jerrybanfield, I would like you to go through it at your spare time;
Thank you for having put up the contest.https://steemit.com/jerrybanfield/@joshuaetim/the-conversion-of-the-native-doctor-my-nccf-corper-experience-swc
It's already in the list @joshuaetim, thank you.
My entrance nobody read it hahaha :( Now that new theme will come?
It is in the list @etnique and it will be read!
Thanks for this opportunity :) here's my post:
I added it to the list @awhsarada, thank you.
I want to take the opportunity to congratulate you for what you are doing here on the platform and with the people who are there, worthy of admiration and respect
I wish you a wonderful day
This is my humble contribution to your call dear friend @jerrybanfield https://steemit.com/jerrybanfield/@jlufer/writing-contest-about-natural-proposal-of-jerrybanfield-experience-lived-in-relation-to-what-is-natural
Thank you @jlufer, I have added your story to the list.
I submitted it last night/last day of the contest.. Hope you can add it up in the list too.. Thank you for giving us the chance to share our stories. What an amazing contest.. Good luck to everyone who joined the contest.Hi sir @gmichellbkk good day! Here is my entry https://steemit.com/jerrybanfield/@zenfernandez/abducted-by-another-being-another-entity-swc
Just on time @zenfernandez. I've added it.
thank you so much sir.
These users participated in the swc and haven't been rewarded https://steemit.com/jerrybanfield/@arogboolabisi/supernatural-writing-contest-swc
In the list @kay1, thank you.
@jerrybanfield I just wanted to say thank you for everything you do on steemit your a pretty great guy. I check the list of swc a few times and I dont see my writing on it so maybe you can check it out for me if your not to busy. I would really appreciate it and im looking forward to the next contest thank you jerry heres my link https://steemit.com/jerrybanfield/@godofbit/a-dark-and-spooky-night-swc
I added it to the list @godofbit, thank you.
No thank you, I was wondering why I didnt hear anything about it I did it 23 days ago lol. But at least its on there now thank you.
I am a fan of horror movie and I like reading as well. When I found @jerrybanfield SWC I can't help myself but read. While reading, my interest triggered to write and share my supernatural experience. Ghost is somewhat fiction for me and often neglected the fact that they do exists. One thing I've learned based on my experience is that whether you believe it or not every creatures even ghost should be respected. Here is my SWC entry:
Here's my entry made for this contest a few days ago. Hope you get to see it.
Already in the list, thank you @kinganima.
Here is the link to my story https://steemit.com/jerrybanfield/@kehindeayomide/my-father-s-ghost-supernatural-writing-contest-swc
In the list, thank you @kehindeayomide.
gracias este es mi post no lo veo, :( espero que lo tomen en cuenta aunque lo escribí en español ya que no hablo ingles
Already in the list @ulises06, thank you.
gracias a ti @gmichelbkk y @jerrybanfield por organizar estos concursos y tomar en cuenta mi post en español!
I'm so sorry for my late submission, i do hope it is accepted. Here is my entry; https://steemit.com/jerrybanfield/@aduragbemi/supernatural-writing-contest-my-near-death-experience
I have added it to the list, thank you @aduragbemi.
Thanks alot @gmichelbkk and @jerrybanfield
Thanks @jerrybanfield for this opportunity, here's my entry https://steemit.com/jerrybanfield/@hokulor/supernatural-writing-contest-the-incredible-loop-of-friendship-does-not-end-ever-swc-742419e6761cd
Thank you @hokulor for our entry, I added it to the list.
Oh, I just noticed that SWC my story on spiritual healing never got included! I searched for it by partial title and my name in the airtable file, but not there.
Well I'd love for any of you still looking for more stories to read it. I think you'll find it pretty clear evidence of the miraculous nature of our reality.
Thank you @indigoocean, I added your story to the list.
Thank you!
You didn't come across my post I did on SWC.
Put the link here please @masterpiz.
I put it in the list @masterpiz, thank you.
Hey @jerrybanfield this is our post:
Thanks a lot for letting us be part of this contest!
Thank you @elorigen, I added your story to the list.
Here my entry to the contest I hope you see it ...
it was sent several days ago ... thanks Jerry for such a great contest.
Already in the list @karenjv, thank you.
Hello sir @jerrybanfield. Just dropping by to say my warmest thank you for hosting this amazing contest, so that everyone has an opportunity to share stories that they may be hiding in the closet for a long time..who knows? Haha. Jst like mine. Thought that if i share it nobody would believe me. Again, thank you for everything youve done in this community. You are amazing! My story is on the list. I am happy you considered adding my story. Thank you sir. Also thank you to sir @gmichelbkk. Love -itsmechille.
Thank you @itsmechille.
Hope my entry is n't too late. Thanks @jerrybanfield https://steemit.com/jerrybanfield/@guada1/spiritual-awakenings-supernatural-writing-contest-swc
I added it to the list, thank you @guada1.
Heres the link to mine, this post is 22hrs ago, hope the contest ends in 2hrs and i'm not too late...
Already in the list @avosep, thank you.
Here my entry, In case of not listed on the site.Thank alots for Wonderful Writing Contest @jerrybanfield
"The Other Stories of Unknowing World Beyond Ours"
Got it in the list, thank you @seifanlj.
It was great, by the way thank alots to you too @gmichelbkk
Thanks for the opportunity. Here is my entry @jerrybanfield
In the list @t-flames, thank you.
hello friend! This is my entry! I think you did not read it
by @norkamoran
thank you!
I added it to the list, thank you @norkamoran.
Here's the link of my entry. Hope my entry is not too late. Thanks @jerrybanfield
I'm sorry @eduard104, but as you can read in this post the contest is closed for submissions since 1 March.
Here's my entry, please include it -
I'm sorry @toryoge, but as you can read in this post the contest is closed for submissions since 1 March.
Great work @jerrybanfield here is a link to my story https://steemit.com/jerrybanfield/@dr-spirit/miraculous-delivery-from-the-cold-hands-of-death-swc
Already in the list, thank you @dr-spirit.
hello friend, I edited my post after a translation error, I hope you can qualify for your list, the publication was made 6 days ago here is the link https://steemit.com/jerrybanfield/@isma4617/my-near-death-experience-supernatural-writing-contest-swc
I put it back in the queue @isma4617.
thanks friend!!! I hope that this time the translation is well done and that it is better in terms of reading
Hello @jerrybanfield, here is the link to my own story.
I have it in the list, thank you @dee-y.
Please here is my link.
It would be really nice if you consider it because I took time to write this experience of mine so that I could share it with you and other steemians.
I added it to the list, thank you @janeomeludike.
Hello, this is my entry of my supernatural story.
In the list, thank you, @cindycam.
Many thanks to you :)
Hello, better, fix the translation of my publication
It's in the list, thank you.
Good day .I didnt see my entry in the list :). I submitted this 23 days ago :). The Spiritual Awakeing Category is the one I chose.
Hoping you can spare a time to read. Thank you. Here is the link
It was posted 23 days ago and no rewards yet unlike my friends' articles. Hope you can read my story Sir @jerrybanfield and Sir @gmichelbkk. Thank you so much for this once in a lifetime opportunity :)
Thank you @beyonddisability for helping me find your story. I have added it to the list and it will be read soon.
thank you so much@gmichelbkk. This means a lot to me :) :) :)
Good day sir, hope my entry is not too late, here is the post, tnx
Here's the link to my entry. Enjoy!https://steemit.com/jerrybanfield/@xtrim/october-12th-swc
@xtrim, I'm sorry, but as you can read in this post the contest is closed for submissions since 1 March.
Hi!. This is the link for my entry. Please check it!! Thanks
Thank you @rubertd for helping me find your story. I have added it to the list.
Thanks so much jerry. It really built my ability to explain what happened to me in the past. Eagerly waiting for any new contest from you.
@jerrybanfield I felt so bad writing this because this took so much time to be written coupled with the emotions.
The post had expired without a single payout from you, please try and appreciate my efforts even with sbd transfer.
It's really painful sir.
My post link
I put it in the list @etypearl, it will be read!
So no rewards for the post? Too bad please
Thanks for this opportunity :) here's my post: https://steemit.com/jerrybanfield/@arifcan/my-miraculous-recovery-supernatural-writing-contest-swc
In the list now, thank you @arifcan.
For one thing, I know, we are not alone. There are forces of darkness and evil living in this world. They are beings and entities that are doomed to destruction in judgment day in the second coming of the Messiah. The reason that they tried to make contact, disturb and inflict other human beings is they want to drag and pull humanity down together with them in the pit of misery and doom in hell. These souls and entities are far from salvation and far from the grace of God because they choose to follow the path of darkness and they rebelled against God. These beings are the fallen angels cast away and banished by God since they don’t have any place to stay that’s why they are here lurking in the shadows ready to devour like a lion.
@jerrybanfield here is my entry sir https://steemit.com/jerrybanfield/@zenfernandez/abducted-by-another-being-another-entity-swc hope you will add it up on your list. happy reading sir.
It's already added to the list, thank you @zenfernandez.