Exactly the key differences section covers this! I am sure a year after Bitcoin launched in 2010 there was a lot of skepticism about Bitcoin and its future but I did not hear any of it because I did not even find out about Bitcoin until 2014. I did not think Facebook was ever going to be a big deal in 2005. It did make finding a girlfriend a lot easier! Steem has everything in place for an amazing future but no guarantee of getting there! Like the dot com bubble, most cryptocurrencies have almost no true value or transactions and at some point probably soon will go out of business. Those that survive as I believe Steem will because of the amount of users and transactions will have the best chance to be the investment of a lifetime today!
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When I joined facebook in 2005, you could tell it was already a big deal.
Lots of coins have potential but are still in the baby stage. Just because you believe something, doesn't make it true. With over 230 million coins on the market you believe steem can get to $10 per coin?! I would love to see that happen, but cmon now, you must be smoking the good stuff.