Where Is My WIF Key located?

in #steem9 years ago

Okay. Trying to get this mining off the ground using windows. I've inserted My name jerome-colley and I used what I thought was the WIF Key from My Account>permissions>owner. However I continue to receive 2 messages. "Please add witness name and private key to configuration" and "miner names and private keys to configuration". I'm stumped. Can any body point Me in the correct direction for this information? Thanks in advance for Your help.


In the config.ini file you will configure the following two lines with your information:

witness = "jerome-colley"
miner = ["jerome-colley","5_Your_WIF_Key"]

The WIF key always starts with a 5. Also, don't forget to set mining-threads.

I have following msg: No withnesses configure! Please add withness names and private keys...
But my configurations looks like this:

name of witness controlled by this node (e.g. initwitness )

witness = "phare"

name of miner and its private key (e.g. ["account","WIF PRIVATE KEY"] )

miner = ["phare","5---------------------M"]

What is wrong?

Are you running Windows or Ubuntu OS? How did you generate the WIF private key?

it don't give anything :/ would you like to screen the consol for me plz

Where did you find the key beginning with 5, @kath1? None of my keys begin with a numeric . Just trying to get the blockchain synced at this point and getting the same error.