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RE: Whiny morons don't deserve rewards!

in #steem7 years ago

Alright Big Bern, I see where you're coming from and I also despise the current reward raping process, but the way we are going about solving it is also not working. There has to be a compromise somewhere. How about talking to the people who use these autovote functions? It seems like you are addressing the symptoms rather than the source of the problem. I hate that the current autovote programs give such a huge advantage to established steemians but what solution is there to it? We need a roundtable discussion.


Not sure where the "auto vote" comes to play here. I have a Steemvoter account,
but I do NOT upvote myself.
Being Poor, I can only afford the three upvotes (automatic) two of which go to bots that return them to me...does that qualify as an "auto self upvote"?
I've only been in Steemit since last June, I've crawled my way up, with some help a few times from
@curie (whale) but for the most part my posts garner me from $0.10-$0.50 each.
I'm just voicing my confusion here. I don't want anyone to be cheated.

I am no whale and don't think people like us trying to tread water with piranhas by upvoting our work is the same as the rampant bullshit going on....the SP that will be sold at massive amounts can be used as a weapon. I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with anything am just saying that if you scroll down my blog long enough you will see how fun selling SP can be as you can grind someones blog into the dirt for talking about certain evil things...feel free to find that greyed out mass but it mostly was saved thanks to the whales who saw me as a "firecracker" with nice legs apparently

Where can I see those legs? j/k - keep it up

I also have nice legs!

I'm supposed to know that according to some people, right? lmfao
see, this is a good time to turn the tides and save steemit from the real bad guys.....oh I started a Discord channel called Discord where everyone can play fight each other as Mortal Kombat characters, I just threw a Kitana fan at someone

On my Blog, you can't miss them
How have you not read my blog!!!! I'm like super fucking important on here

Use your own stake to build your account. Give yourself an upvote.

Keep plugging away, your audience will find you,...

Who are you talking to and I hope you are joking, pretty sure some of us here are just fine and are actually looking out for others
you having a swell day? hope so <3

Nice sticking your nose in where it doesn't belong.
You can thank the developer that stacked the comments this way.

Confused too. I just realized I could vote for myself. 🤣 is that wrong? 🙀

Depends on who you ask,...

Don't you upvote your own posts, when you post them @eaglespirit?

@jerrytsuseer yes I do, is that the wrong thing to do? It almost sounded as if it’s not looked upon kindly to do so?

Hi @eaglespirit, that kind of upvoting is allowed, almost expected, otherwise they wouldn't have put that option there. 😉 the only bad thing with that, is it automatically depletes your voting power, which you may not notice or realize as it's happening.
I think what is being referred to most often, is the practice some people have (and I don't quite understand how it could work) of creating multiple steemit accounts, and having those accounts upvote your ¿main? account? then others see you being upvoted a lot, and not knowing any better, like good sheeple and come along for the ride and start upvoting as well.
You can invest your own Steem and pay to have your article put in the "Trending" category too, which will bring more votes, even though your post is crap.
That is how I understand, albeit imperfectly, what all the hoopla is about.

Yes!! Now that makes total sense. I’ve seen some strange things going on and I could th figure it out. Thank you for explaining. I still do mornings understand how upvoting takes away money from my own post, and I see people saying I feel they upvote a lot their money goes down that way too? It’s almost like upvoting I should punished. 🤦‍♀️ I upvote a lot since I’m reading and may like what people are communicating. 😑 @jerrytsuseer

Do you use Or some other site to track your money?
With Steem Now, you can watch as with each upvote (it also shows you exactly how much your 100%vote is worth) your vote power drops.

So now, even with using my bank to purchase steem (which increases my vote power) I am down to where my vote is only worth a penny.
And it will take more than 2 full days of NOT UPVOTING ANYTHING, for it to come back up to 100 %

It's perfectly fine to self-upvote.

Ty! I think I got it now. I also read upvoting comments is not so good? I’m still trying to figure out why my numbers decrease? Why or how voting power diminishes too?

Upvoting/downvoting comments is fine too, it's part of the system. Every time you upvote or downvote, your voting power is reduced. It replenishes at a rate of 20% per day.
Read more in the FAQ

I don't think so. Isn't it natural for folks to be naturally biased towards their own material? Would that not make this practice counterintuitive towards content quality which would invariably affect the perceived value of the platform. If an author believes that their content adds value to the block chain, is all this self-voting and vote buying really necessary?

The self-voting has been an endless debate. There are pros and cons. In my view, when authors spend time researching, creating and writing content, they should have the right to upvote it, and that's what the platform allows them to do, so why not do it? Of course, if they chose not to do it, it's their prerogative. Naturally, if self-upvoting is done in an abusive an repetitive manner, other users have the option to downvote.

The self-voting has been an endless debate.

It will continue to be so until something changes. I'm afraid flagging is not enough for this problem.

Unfortunately, it is a mechanism that is indiscriminate towards any of the criteria you noted and there are not enough people flagging the problem of content that is overvalued due to excessive vote buying and self voting. It's just the nature of the beast right now.

I spoke to @blocktrades about his voting and he does not care.

Okay, so what other options are there? Because what is happening right now is not working. Steemit needs active, dedicated users for long term sustainability, but also a reward system that is fair. What is "fair" is open to interpretation but scaring off users is not going to help our platform longterm

a lot of the good people have left, you have foxes guarding henhouses and that seems to be working just fine for some...... if you think big business gives a shit how sp is delegated or to who , think again. They will give it to whoever makes them more money regardless of who that individual or group of individuals are. I'm just here to make a few bucks, write about what I damn well want and watch "Blockchain Nihilism" at work...AND SINCE so many with such massive SP delegated and such upvote themselves hundreds and thousands of dollars I'm upvoting my shit just the same way and think a wave of us little MINNOWS are fed the fuck up and will do the same, :)

RIght, there always needs to be checks and balances in a system like this, but there is no reason that there can't be a forum about this where leaders have more say than the average user. After all, we are the reason those leaders are where they are, so we've entrusted them to make important decisions. You won't be able to make a few bucks if this "blockchain Nihilism" collapses on itself and the value of steem goes to nothing

In this there is no teacher, no pupil; there is no leader; there is no guru; there is no master, no saviour.

You yourself are the teacher and the pupil; you are the master; you are the guru; you are the leader; you are everything.

And to understand that is to transform what is.

but some in charge said that, and some give zero fucks, lettn' ya in on a little non-secret ;)

I am your friend for life...well said...youre awesome!!!

Can you help me understand what you just wrote? It sounds pretty good but I don’t get half of it. 1. Blockchain nihilism, 2. Sp, 3. People upvote themselves thousands how?, 4. Minnows?, 5. Side question, what’s a whale? 😆🙌🏽

Why don't you think it is working? Just curious.

Yeah! Now what @jasonshick said sounds Real. Did anyone come up with a “fair” solution? I’m
Not sure I’d ever make money from steemit but if it does work, and we can all make money and be a community that’d be the Sheet! We all learn in college people get greedy, therefore, it doesn’t appear to ever work. I’d like to hope mankind could overcome greed or laziness and we could do it. Maybe there’s still a little idealist left in me after all.

Well, until decided to write her latest rant I was planning to just move on and let @blocktrades keeps wasting his votes on that junk. Like I said "whiny morons don't deserve rewards" and those that are earning by bitching and moaning about being flagged and using the system as designed will be handled.

I think there are a shitload of problems that we need to fix, and sometimes there will be casualties along the way, but if we can come out of this situation with an actual solution and not just more grudges and problems, then I'm all for it