MoveCoin how does it work? Scam app? Forum: reviews reviews reviews

in #steem6 years ago


In this guide we will talk about MoveCoin how it works and how to make money with MoveCoin complete review.

What is MoveCoin?

How does MoveCoin work?

How to get free direct referrals in MoveCoin and earn free?

In this article you can understand how to make money with MoveCoin and especially if it is a scam or a rip-off.


What is MoveCoin?
Movecoin is born from a company born as an Italian startup, and is a free App that can be downloaded on Google PlayStore or iOS App Store and that rewards you for the Km and the steps you take on foot or by bike.

In short, the advantages could be many: walking is good for health, pollution caused by combustion vehicles is reduced, and so it seems to be earned or at least so!

We can already note that the positive thing of Movecoin compared to Walkybit, is that Movecoin is a free app that is downloaded on PlayStore and not for a fee and already has more than 50,000 downloads on Android and iPhone.

Be careful because this is not a cryptocurrency, but a token, a token that can be exchanged in a closed system created by this app.

MoveCoin is a totally free app in its use so even registration is completely free and takes just over 2 minutes to complete all the steps necessary for registration.

MoveCoin is a smartphone application developed for iOS and Android platforms, which can be downloaded for free from the Play Store or the App Store.

After registering and creating your account, simply go to the "Start" button on the "Activities" page.

You are immediately ready to earn MOVEcoins, making the movements through a simple walk, being able to keep the speed, the distance traveled, the duration and how many MC (MOVECoin) are produced every Km you have traveled.

Movecoin how does the Massimo Scaglione app work?
Movecoin is a kind of app and has been patented by dr. Massimo Scaglione in order to encourage people to avoid polluting vehicles and reach their destination on foot or by bike, thus benefiting their physical health and the surrounding environment at the same time.

The application uses fitness tracking, which in recent years has become a real mode thanks to Runtastic and Google Fit, and for every km it gives users 10 cents in virtual money in the users' digital wallet.

The payment received can be used in approved stores with a percentage of a minimum of 10% and a maximum of 100% of the purchase value based on the agreements entered into.

The value of Movecoin seems to be double compared to the nominal value (the complete list of stores that agree with the initiative can be controlled directly within the application).

The digital money, therefore, could be converted into euros on a card called Hype, which can be made by the app without management fees.

The app is available for free on the Apple Store. The application menu presents a main screenshot where you can start and monitor the distance covered, a summary screenshot of your trips, one on the virtual wallet where you can check the payment and finally a page where you can see the the total number of users, the total number of Movecoins there are, CO2 savings and petrol savings.

That being said, you just have to download it, start walking or cycling and earn some money.

Below is a short video showing how it works:


Movecoin: the future of the virtual market
The Italian application has a really interesting operation: it is, in fact, possible to auction the Movecoin collected, like the cryptocurrency already available on the financial market, assigning them to the highest bidder and receiving euros in exchange. refid=zfuivml5lfzxz4zn696x

This should gain value and increase the already recorded steps recorded in the app.
To create this digital value, in fact, computers with a high computing capacity are not required, but only a smartphone, because the user creates the money only by moving.

Obviously, it is important to know that only the certified and recognized passages, such as walking or cycling, are paid, so no shortcuts are allowed.

The users' movement, in fact, is recorded and analyzed by the smartphone's GPS, without leaving space for tricks.

While presenting the app, Massimo Scaglione said: "With the ecological movement each of us can simply enjoy something he likes, but also help nature. Working towards sustainability, helping people improve themselves and their health is our mission ".

The first data that emerge from the surveys on users who have decided to use it are really encouraging, because we have seen a saving of 4.35 tons of CO2 in the atmosphere.

Movecoin therefore has all the qualities to be a digital revolution of well-being and environmental health.

We'll see if other companies try to do the same.

How to make money online with MoveCoin auction how it works
After registering and creating your account, simply go to the "Start" button on the "Activities" page.

The user is immediately ready to gain MOVEcoin by making the movements through the movement of the human body, being able to always keep under control the speed, the distance traveled, the duration and how many MC (MOVECoin) are produced every Km.

There are two ways. The first is through the auction, the bidder and the applicant convert the Movecoin to the price they believe is right.

The applicant will then send the agreed sum through the credit / debit card to the seller.
The second mode is the affiliated shops where you can buy products with the discount, showing the coupon of the desired value, produced directly by the App.

If you have accumulated a lot of movecoin then maybe you could think of selling them and recovering the elusive € 0.10 per km done.

How to turn them into money?

With an auction of course.

Just go to a forum and ask if anyone is interested in buying them.

Then set a price and ask if anyone wants to pay them more.

Easy no?

MoveCoin works or not?
By downloading, installing the App on Google PlayStore or App Store and walking you could earn 10 cents for every kilometer traveled and paid for in their MC cryptocurrency (Movecoin).

Walking, pedaling, running or rowing are the activities that allow you to make money with Movecoin.

You can spend their money in participating stores and there are no spending limits. The affiliated shops are located inside the app.

In order for the app to work properly and allow you to accumulate cryptocurrencies, remember to activate the GPS and data connection.

Once downloaded and installed, click on the "Start" button on the "Activity" page.

How to sell the MoveCoin app
In addition to the possibility of spending Movecoins in participating stores, it is also possible to exchange the cryptocurrency in euros with credit then to a prepaid card via an auction.

If the Movecoins are used to be spent in participating stores, their value will be double.

If you download the app called Movecoin ticket you will be able to turn your coins into bus tickets of the Italian municipality of Narni in Umbria.

How much do you earn with MoveCoin?
You can earn through reflink and inviting friends with text messages and whatsapp. There are up to 6 depth levels that offer 1% extra income.
As already anticipated every Km is paid 10 euro cents in Movecoin currency.

For those who register using the promotional code: JALISSE, the first 100 Km are paid twice.

In fact, the Jalisses were testimonials of MOVEcoin in Sanremo.

If you want to earn more, simply use the "Invite a friend" feature that is always inside the app. You are paid up to 6 levels of depth:

1st level 1%
2nd level 1.25%
3rd level 1.50%
4th level 0.50%
5th level 0.50%
6th level 0.25%

How to get referrals with MoveCoin.
MoveCoin offers a friend referral and referral system through which you can optimize online earnings, but finding referrals in MoveCoin is still very difficult!

This "too pushy" affiliation method, in which payments from friends led to downloading the app are favored rather than rewarded for the steps actually taken, we have already seen in other applications of this kind.

Come prelevare soldi con MoveCoin
Ci sono due modi.

Il primo avviene attraverso l'asta, l'offerente e il richiedente convertono il Movecoin al prezzo che ritengono giusto.

Il richiedente invierà quindi la somma concordata attraverso la carta di credito / debito al venditore.

La seconda modalità sono i negozi affiliati in cui è acquistare prodotti con lo sconto, mostrando coupon del valore desiderato prodotto direttamente dall'App.

Come si può guadagnare una criptovaluta solo camminando?
L’app identifica il tipo di movimento usando i sensori interni dello smartphone ed il segnale GPS.

I dati raccolti vengono processati da algoritmi proprietari, quindi tratti percorsi camminando, in bici correndo vengono riconosciuti ed il resto viene scartato.

’L’utente che“ conia ”la moneta attraverso il suo movimento.

How much is a MoveCoin (MC) worth? What is its value?
At 15 March 2018 the value of 1 Movecoin was set at € 0.10.

Being a cryptocurrency, their value can go up or down based on the relationship between supply and demand, apparently through auctions.

The user will then be able to spend the Movecoins produced in participating and affiliated stores as a percentage of a minimum of 10% up to 100% of the purchase value based on the agreements made with the shops.

The value of the Movecoins in the participating establishments will be double the nominal value.

It is also possible to place the Movecoins in the auction, such as the cryptocurrencies already existing on the financial market, giving them to the highest bidder in exchange for euros.

Movecoin recensioni e opinioni italiano
A mio parere credo che possiamo considerare Movecoin una app ed una startup seria, sicuramente pare più convincente rispetto a Walkybit.

Molto simile a SweatCoin, punta tutto sul redimere i MC nei negozi aderenti e autorizzati in modo da dare uno SCONTO.

Di Movecoin ne hanno parlato molto anche grosse testate giornalistiche come Ansa, Repubblica, Gazzetta oltre ad avere avuto dei testimonial come i Jalisse a Sanremo.

Passando alle recensioni ed opinioni lasciate dagli utenti vediamo un pò cosa dicono:

The app is not much loved perhaps because everyone has understood that the MoveCoins are not easy to "coin" and then you cannot take them so easily.

Many people liked the idea of ​​Movecoin, but the app today seems, according to those who use and reviewed it, to have many bugs and therefore, while it is being used, it freezes and does not calculate all the kilometers traveled.

Other user dissatisfaction concerns the difficulty of selling the Movecoins at auction, while the shops where they are spent are few and are mostly discounts.

Instead, Amazon vouchers cost too much and can be redeemed after a long time.

In short, the "green" idea of ​​Movecoin is certainly innovative and interesting, but there is much to be improved. Maybe it's a matter of time, being a new startup.

The problem is that if they start with reviews that are not very positive on average, there is a risk that they will not catch on and be considered as junk.

Attention also to false reviews like those of SweatCoin which in the Google play store are 90% positive and FALSE.
Reviews of the MoveCoin forum
movecoin app android iphone reviews
Is it better to use MoveCoin to make money online?

Is it worth working and spending time finding a good referral network in MoveCoin?

Recent studies indicate that around 85% of people read up to 6 reviews before making a decision: hotel reservation, restaurant dinner choice, shopping consultancy, etc.

Sensing the importance of the testimonials, the creators of the app have included a feedback system to give an indication to anyone who wants to enter the world of online earnings.