In literature class in the eighth grade, our handsome and athlete Lyokha screwed up.

in #steem5 years ago


Reading the biography of a classic, he said:

  • Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol.

The nickname "GogOl" with the accent on the second syllable immediately and tightly stuck to it to the final.

Well, well, how can you not know Gogol at the age of 13? It's a shame!

10 years ago I was carrying a courier documents. He could not find my house among the same panel high-rises, and I explained diligently for a long time, almost step by step, how to get there. And there was nothing so terrible about it, everyone did that.

But ten years have passed.

The other day a courier called me and asked the same question: "How can I get to you?"

I precipitated. It’s as if the seamstress asked: "What and how to sew a button?"

My first thought: "the guy's phone is dead, and the navigator is there."
Second thought: "if the phone is dead, how does it ring?"

  • Why don't you spell the address in the navigator? - I asked carefully, realizing that for about ten years now I didn’t explain to anyone the directions to the ear.

  • Oh, yes, I do not like these all fashionable things, I can not ...

  • And you work as a courier ???

  • No, I am replacing ...

  • Oh, well.

When he brought the order, I still looked at him as a guest from the Mesozoic, with difficulty restraining the question whether he had a pager.

Technical progress rushes with great speed, not everyone has time for it, and some - out - ignored.

But in a competitive environment it is so difficult to find yourself if you do not flexibly track changes in this environment ...

My tape is bubbling, raging, sparkling with spoilers of world famous TV shows. And be sure to find someone who writes a flirtatious post: "I am the same person who has not watched a single series of" Game of Thrones ".

And every time I wonder when I read it. So I want to ask: that is, do you think this is a reason for pride? Where does bravado come from? What are you so busy that you have not found time for nonsense?

How long has it become fashionable to be proud of ignorance?

Listen, I hate fantasy and violence, fights, blood, and I do not like erotica on the screen, because I have children who at any moment can enter the room where we are watching a movie.

I have to be the same person who has not watched a single series.
But I watched. All series, all seasons.

Because I want to catch a train of progress, I want to understand jokes about dragons and daineries, I want to speak with my contemporaries in the same language.

And if the whole world is fascinated by this series, and everyone finds something interesting in it, then I will re-force myself, I will find time and look. Millions can not be so synchronously wrong.

As one friend of mine said who wrote scripts for Russian TV shows, a la “SWAT”, and quit after watching the first season of “Game of Thrones”:

  • I left because I could not get any steeper than them, and I do not agree to compromises.

Those who did not watch, did not read, do not know how, and publicly boast about it, I mentally call it "GogOli."

Not watched - this is normal.
Do not know how something is normal.
It’s not normal to brag about what you didn’t watch and you don’t know how to do.

In the age of multitasking and technological progress, the main qualities for a successful person are speed and flexibility.
Catch up, understand, learn.

And do not expect that someone graciously oblaykat your ignorance.

Your Dierys Burgero-born.

P.S. I see how offended those who did not look.
This post does not say what is wrong with you. And it's not in the series.
This post says that it is wrong to be proud of ignorance.