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RE: [steem蟲:혜택] 봄과 스팀을 함께 2배로 즐기다. (enjoy Spring and Steem 2fold )

in #steem6 years ago

[-]steamsteem (54) · 8 hours ago

Yes, 3 sbd can be a great (or little) amount of money, depending on your situation.

According to the current exchange rate here in Korea, 3 sbd will buy either:

Ten packets of ramyon (instant noodles), i.e. ten self-cooked, quite satisfying meals for three days plus an extra;

Two light meals, including service, from cafeteria-like restaurants;

or, one relatively formal meal, including service, from an ordinary restaurant.

On the other hand 3 sbd may not be enough for a cup of coffee, with service, at some expensive coffee shop.

I guess a high general income, or GDP, means high living costs.

Here in Seoul, the real estate pricing and costs of living on an everyday level may be twice as high in one village than another just 2 kms apart, separated by a single main road.

 6 years ago (edited) Reveal Comment

You're welcome!

[-] is just something that tagged along when I copied and pasted your original comment. Never noticed it.

 6 years ago  Reveal Comment

I don't understand what it means in this context. Would you explain this, please?

Oh, the subject in that sentence is simply omitted. I meant "I never noticed it".

When speaking to someone in a relatively informal way, you may omit the 'I', and sometimes even 'You'.

e.g. Can you say that more clearly? ( I ) Never could understand you when you mumble.
e.g. 2. (Are you) Going to work today? ( I ) Thought it was your day off.

 6 years ago (edited) Reveal Comment

after flag menu
next to the flag

your that comment
your comment there
that comment of yours

 6 years ago (edited) Reveal Comment

Yep, in order to modify or correct something, I always have it copied first and work from there.