
You can change them after logging but of course, its your keys and you have to use them responsively.
Golos is based on same system [STEEM INC actually helped to launch it] so it uses same type of encoding as STEEM

no your just using your posting key..iits like chainBB...all u could do with your posting key is ake posts..u cant make transfers or empty your steem wallet with those credientials! the posting key is found inthat "permissions" tab its kjust like suing u never used that?

I guess I missed the part where you can "login" with your posting key...

yeah just reebr, u have different permissions keys! it lets u "login" with just a posting key so all someone coudl ever do is post as you, until u change ur master password, noone could actualy take ur stem without your master password

so this is a great way for u to use other steemit overlay websites like chainbb or this thing which i WILL use t reach out to all my russianinstagram followers !

Cool, just tested that - wasn't aware that was possible. Thanks.