Sharing Thoughts - I Will Not Turn My Back On My Mates/Fellow Steemians.

in #steem5 years ago (edited)

Over the past days I have been physically working, literally packing some three decades of accumulated crap and loading it all up into two shipping containers.

Today and yesterday not so much.

Had a perfect opportunity to let off a lot of the negative energy that has built up in me due to many things, among which are definitely all the things going on with Steem.

To cut to the chase, I finally managed to get a good nights sleep, presumably due to the wear and tear of this not so fit body of mine.
Yet, it helped me concentrate on things in a rational manner. With a mind that doesn't wake me up multiple times during the night for whatever reasons. A very rare privilege in my life, that most people probably take for granted.

As for Steem, the other day I openly went out asking people to unvote my witness and to go use that vote on the top30 who were there prior to all this ruckus with the fake witness accounts put in by Justin Suns crew.
Presumably by people who are more so related to Tron than Steemit Inc. unfortunately after this abuse/collusion with the exchanges, we saw key people from Steemit Inc. resign.

Good people who were obviously not in agreement with the actions taken by the new owners of Steemit Inc.

Yet, with all us people who want to see Steem decentralized and made into everything it can be, we are in many ways creating a guaranteed centralization of Steem. It will be a choice between those that were in the governance and whos governance brought us to where we were prior to Justin Sun showing up, or option "b" Justin Sun who has shown via his actions that his visions are solely based on the monetary aspects and not so much the real potentials that the Steem blockchain has to offer everyone, including him.

Now, maybe some things have changed somewhat, but I highly doubt that anything is going to change much.

The best solution currently buzzing around is a sister fork, call it a "sidechain" type of deal in which ALL Steemians who were not satisfied with the state of affairs prior to Tron becoming a factor can fix what needs fixing on that new blockchain and move forwards.

In all this mess, ruckus and outright confusion, there is one thing that has become crystal clear in my mind and vision and that is the fact that there is no reason for anyone to have any ill feelings towards each other, no matter what any individual may choose to do.

I don't see why I, you reading this post or anyone out there should "hate" anyone who may or may not accept the future events that are yet to take place as far as the future of Steem or the sister blockchain (if it happens) or anything else.

WHY should we turn our backs on each other, we the people who have in so many unique ways shared the last three to four years of our lives?


Seriously, is it not the people that are and should always be priority #1?

Why do so many people think only about the money?

I have already seen some really sickening two faced people who are kissing rear ends on both sides of the fence, all in the name of money, or should I say "the hope that they will get something materialistic in return".
So sickening as they are so obvious in everything they say and do.

Yet, I have also seen some people go out on a limb to support other people and to support the idea of "People Power", to stand up against the idea of any totalitarian type or style of ruling. Totally impressive and definitely a glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel in which we are in.

So, at the end of the day, no matter what anyone may or may not choose to do, I will not turn my back on those who have through the course of the past 4 years of my life been loyal to Steem and to me and other Steemians.

I refuse to do that.

We are human beings and as such we are all unique, some may put their personal feelings and emotions ahead of loyalty and duty, some may not. Some may stumble along the way and we all need to jump in and help them get back up on their feet.

It definitely isn't all about the money, well, not to many of us. Some of us actually truly and sincerely believe in the dream that was envisioned possible and that we call Steem.

Three or four years of sharing that dream means more to me than what any money can buy.

Basically, my view is that I will stick by my mates here, no matter what any people may think and no matter what any person may think of me or others, I will not turn my back on any one individual because of their decisions about what they may or may not do in the coming events relevant to Steem.

We can save the dream we envisioned, without selling each other out and without turning our backs on each other.

God bless you all.

Yours truly,


If you want an avatar and other graphics like my “Robotroo” contact @jimramones



What you said! In full agreement.

I hope you're packing up because you're finally going home?


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