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RE: Voting the ups, the downs, the smiles, the frowns...

in #steem8 years ago

"If we were to have up votes only then we could have powerful people up voting everything their friends or family wrote to high values regardless of quality, and those friends and family would accumulate power rapidly, and they would join in and do the same."

This has been happening since day one. There are several popular users here who are where they are because the powerful people help put them there.

Girlfriends of devs, family members etc.. It's not to say they have bad posts unworthy of rewards but they certainly got very few views, had almost ZERO interaction with community, less than 100 followers and yet banked THOUSANDS of dollars over the months. It doesn't add for those who busted their finger tips typing out quality, interacting and voting.

Many people are banking huge rewards without taking part in the community, they aren't commenting or voting in ways that create a stronger community yet they have no problems sending hundred of Steem to Poloniex every week.

I could point out several people whom I suspect have bots trailing them for no other reason than friends and family.

I have seen crap comments earn more the stellar posts because of this.

I call it

Steemit Cronyism

It won't be stopped because the people doing it are already too powerful. Some of them are developers and in the top 10 whale and witness lists.

Is it unfair? Jeez. What's the point of being successful if you can't bring you're loved ones with you?

Is it good for the community? Nope, not the bigger picture in my opinion.

There is a lot favoritism on steemit. It's not all bad. We all have favorites we blindly vote for once in a while.

What bothers me most and please see my past posts are people receiving rewards and not voting or commenting on posts outside of their own articles.

Takers need to be givers.

If flagging people who take WAY more than they give should be flagged to help give to those who participate sure!!

Maybe flagging those who don't give back after receiving so much should be a thing.

Good post


Yep... some of them have been caught in the act. We cannot eliminate gaming the system completely. Yet what do we do about the negative perceptions caused by the reaction to powerful subjective down votes?

we have to eat it. it sucks but steemit is just like real life.

It not fair. All we can do is talk abut it and hope people with power change their ways.

Which is why I exist.
I try to encourage takers to be givers.