Dear @roleerob, i am simply amazed about your post, full of important info about our community, but i would like to write you 2 things that i would like to say:
- you shown a nice table of Steemit levels according to SP, but i cannot see where it is red fish level, i have over 100 SP but i am still plancton 3.
I hope you will start to use this service soon and i am sure you will love it because this is a family and you are welcome to be a part of us...:)))you mention a lot of nice services as upvoting and witness, but you forget to put @steem-bounty, i guess just because you are new on this community.
Thank you for stopping by @intellihandling and adding value to this post. I really appreciate it! 👍
Redfish is in my table, so not sure where the confusion lies. You reference still being Plankton 3, but not sure where you are seeing that.
link to her latest post.I would encourage you to join one of the @steemcommunity initiatives for support. Specifically, the Redfish Power Up League of @paulag. Here is a
Yes, still relatively new, having started posting on May 14th. In the context of the types of communities I was writing about, @steem-bounty didn’t seem to fit, but I will think about adding it for Version 2.0.
I am familiar with it though. There is a 4 STEEM bounty on this post … 😉