That'll be cool. One of the things I used to do on chainbb was write digest posts including excepts from forum discussions I liked. I did this because although chainbb did create root posts, often people still didn't know about the alternative front-ends.
I would also set the beneficiaries to the original authors. It's probably worth revisiting the idea since there's plenty of discussions that goes unnoticed.
That is a great idea! It might even be worth offering such a functionally in the interface.
I don't like automated digests that much, but a user collection of good topics with automated summary and automatic beneficiaries would be a nice incentive. I add that as a nice to have :)
yes @chainbb and @jesta @cryptooctopus back then helped me learn about beneficiary rewards, and yeah giving them to original author even 5% is so cool, makes steem so much more valuable and useful
imagine if we could give beneficiary reweds to people WHO DONT EVEN HAVE STEEM accounts liek a REDDIt user, via BANJO and the INV token idea i wa stalking about
No? not god enough explanation? hah ok here CHECK THIS OUT!
We have BANJO set to receive beneficiary rewards... BUT HOW do we tell WHo the rewards are actually for? WE HAVE A CODE system, or just set the LINK in your post to the reddit or twitter user name (For this example lets imagine we have a new feature that lets you add reddit and twitter accounts as beneficiary rewards,
of course it 100% relies on you doing all teh work :smile: but still i can think of ways to make it easier for you, and I think youd love to be able to post someones reddit or tweet on steemit, and set THEM as beneficiary reward benefactor, from 1 5 to 90% depending on how much work you think you did to repost it..... NOW HOW will someone WITHOUT a steem account redeem beneficiary rewards? WELL....... You would just set BANJO as the beneficiary, and in the post simply add the reddiut or twitterusername eitehr in body title or the tags, maybe using a system like redditackza for my reddit account ackza, or leave LINK to the reddit account IN the body of the post, maybe at the very end, Banjo picks it up, and HERE STHE HARD PART... Inertia would have to get banjo to be able to have a reddit and twitter account so it can send DMs. (If bots arent allowed to send DMs i would suggest banjo can mayeb accept them and reply when someone requests the steem their post earned? ) But if banjo can send a DM to a twitter and reddit user, with an INV invite Link, and the liquid STEEMp their post earned. banjo can eitehr make someoen wait for a post to power down, OR do what likwid does and accept risk of holding SP to give out steem, for a fee, and banjo can take a lot doing this...
Ok i admit it can work multipel ways, banjo can eitehr DM the reddit or twitter user and give them a link to signup to steem, IF their post makes enough liquid steem to actually pay for 1 INV oken, around 1 steem each,
tldr; if banjo can send DMs over reddit and twitter, and if banjo can sort liquid beneficiary rewards given to it in a post reposting a tweet or reddit post, with the username written in tag r body, , to later DM that user on reddit and twitter, THEN Banjo coudl accept beneficiary rewards for NON steem users on reddit and twitter, and then DM those users with a Tip in Steemp (Which banjo can hopefully automatically convert from its STEEM rewards,.. and keep teh SP as the fee for teh service :wink: )