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RE: What needs to happen to reach $10 STEEM in 2018? (Discussion)

in #steem6 years ago

Main things we can do that don't rely on Steemit, Inc. are:

  1. Get more people to join and teach them how to succeed, which includes investing in STEEM at least $100 to start. (Obviously works more realistically for Americans/Europeans/Japanese, etc. than many parts of the world, but there are upvote pools those of us in richer countries use to help developing country folks get started stronger. I'm actually in the process of sponsoring a few people in Ghana with a daily upvote equivalent to them having put $100 into STEEM.) I have a course I create with video, linked text, etc. on how to get started on Steemit well and how to monetize your writing here successfully. Honestly, if I was 100% committed just to seeing STEEM price increase or Steemit grow I'd probably make it a free course, but the business consultant in me just won't let me do that. I did put a paltry $25 price tag on it (where my courses are normally $149-349) and I do give out A LOT of free coupons, but I still can't quite stomach putting a zero value on my labor in creating it. At some point I probably will make the course freely available though. I've seen that people do much better more quickly being guided on screen with explanations on why you do this or that as well as how. Apart from my course, more and more training materials in general that really break things down in a way a non-technical person can get it when the system really is pretty complex.

  2. As part of education, emphasizing the benefits of powering up, at least until you reach the monthly income that really makes a difference in your life. This just comes down to having the math spelled out for people. I know how much I need to make off Steemit to be able to make writing here my primary income source, so I'm powering up everything until I hit that mark. Only then will I start selling rewards earnings for USD. Which brings me to my third point...

  3. Have more ways to use STEEM to buy things without needing USD. I still would rather people powerup when they earn STEEM, but having STEEM really function as a currency could help massively to attract people not interested in content creation. And even when those of us earning STEEM spend it to buy things, so long as it doesn't get traded on an exchange for another cryptocurrency, it still doesn't bring down the price of STEEM.

  4. We need to also educate on the incredible profit potential of STEEM. I honestly can't believe how many lists I see of passive income coins, or profit making coins apart from price appreciation, that don't include STEEM. Crypto or not crypto, where else can you get a 25-30% return just by loaning out the power of your investment, while still holding onto the underlying asset at all times?! It's unbelievably good an investment. That's before you consider the 10% per annum baked in plus the potential for price appreciation like any coin. Of course, I'm someone who buys delegated SP instead of selling it, so I'm not seeing that 25-30%, but I know the people I'm paying it to are! And it's a good deal for me too, because I'm using the extra SP to build up my own without locking up too much of my cashflow in crypto when I want to hold all crypto longterm.

In general, people using STEEM need to make sure they really understand STEEM themselves and then really talk it up. I talk about it at parties, on other platforms, at dinners, even with Lyft drivers and movers. Any chance I get, I spread the word and educate, and more of us need to be doing this.

Now I also have a long list of things Steemit could do too, like communities and getting rid of Trending completely, but that's for another post per your request.