I started posting on Minds not long ago, but have fallen off again, after joining in March and not using it. I never thought I’d actually appreciate the targeted Feed of say Facebook, but I now realize I prefer that over the random boosts of a lot of negativity on Minds. There are a lot of people on there who spend a lot of time talking about all that they think is going on wrongly in the world (much of it imagined IMHO).
The fact that it takes time away from Steemit when it doesn’t even have crypto I can trade on exchanges makes it also hard for me to get myself to commit to it.
The only reason I’m still trying is that it has groups!
Jeesh, does Steemit need groups/communities!
It makes it so much easier to find folks I share at least some interests with on there, because I can simply join a group on that topic. So I’m pretty much never navigating to my feed on there, even though you get points for loading it. I just go to groups like “Positive news” and “spiritual awakening” or “natural living” which all tend to have content I actually care to read.
It’s hard for me to judge whether it’s worth my recommending it to others since the jury’s still out on whether I’ll really use it myself. If you wind up posting on there regularly let me know and I’ll follow you on there. I have the same handle in both places.