weird. Your message came up as another user. as @townmayor.. and I was trying to reply this:
SteemPeak and Busy are awesome, although I'm some issues with both. Don't get me wrong I love them both, way more than steemit, but using Brave Browser, I cannot see the Dtube thumbnails in my feed, and when using Busy, also in Brave, I cannot see the Appics thumbnails on my feed. my notifications also don't go away when I check them, the bubble with number stays there.@townmayor
and I also got this error when trying to post this reply
RPCError: unknown key:unknown key: DISMISS
2nd try RPCError: unknown key:unknown key: DISMISS
3rd try RPCError: unknown key:unknown key: DISMISS wtf...
Transaction broadcast error.
going to copy this and refresh the page..
After I refreshed the page, @townmayor's comment was gone and replaced by @fulltimegeek's.
testing.. one - two - - -
that's one of my alt accounts that I login with to "grand slam" a post ... I forgot to log out before leaving the comment. Expect my bots to show up here soon ...
I love your bots!! I love @fulltimegeek!
lol, I love u too brah 😁 ... the bots should show up in like ~30min
I hope that ankle healed up nicely too!
Oh it still hurts! However, nothing can stop me!