Hi Dan,
I hope you are having a super-excellent weekend! The STEEM price has had a well deserved rise too which is awesome! I have another utterly mind-blowing video for you! This excellent research shows the clear connection between ancient Samaria, Egypt and the USA!! Ever wondered why there is SO much Egyptian symbology, statues and architecture in US?! Ever wondered why the double headed Eagle is the emblem of SO many cultures around the world?! These are among many fantastic subjects covered here including the Tartars (and Genghis Khan) who once ruled the world in peace with high technology, but whose legacy has been hidden and mostly destroyed. So many anomalies... such as the incredible aqueducts of Mexico or the Greco Roman buildings found in Japan - all built far earlier than we are told - and actually by the Tartars!
Our history is literally a patchwork of lies and half truths cobbled together for political propaganda ... the many holes and inaccuracies are clear to see and not hard to investigate. Do not be fooled - check the facts - you will never look at history, society and political systems in the same way again!