Interesting, I have a podcast, and I see you have a video on this as well. Would you enjoy being on a pre-recorded 10 minute call sometime soon that I could play for my audiences? guymalone at
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Dude this is crazy. Did yall see what just happened? An idea originally about asking for stories of debt payments through cryptocurrencies from volunteers; jumps into this intellectual interaction between tim-johnston and ibringawareness . Where ibringawareness asked for help to make an idea come into a reality. How? He saw his ideas on tim-jonston wall, and liked how similar they were to his thought process and negotiated him a proposition. The free-market is living it up freely under this ecosystem, like it should be. People making connections and volunteering for a specific goal and get rewarded under the blockchain technology. It is really a contract withing a contract....the many wonders of this ecosystem! #inception
Yes! It's definitely a constantly perpetuating cycle, Tesla would've been proud, haha! Interesting analysis you put out there, and spot on I'd say. Neat...
Blockchain technology and Steemit are a beautiful thing indeed!
Sure I'm open to the idea, if I get the time I will shoot you an email if you haven't already found a more interesting story to report on XD.
Steemit IS the story these days, haha. People who know how to use it and what they're doing with it is what I want to be featuring, at least in 5-10 minute clips, for the foreseeable future.