Philly Monthly Steemit Meetup - Tuesday March 13, Please Join Us

in #steem7 years ago (edited)

Steemit Flyer 3.JPG

Hello Steemians far and wide,

Just a quick announcement / invite for our next event taking place exactly two weeks from today!

When: Tuesday March 13th 6:30-9:30pm
Where: the Institute Bar (2nd floor) 549 N. 12th St. Philadelphia

We’re currently working out the program details and I will have another post up with those probably by the end of the week. Unlike last month, I wanted to make sure I announce the date early enough so that people can have ample time to plan accordingly and make it out.

Last month’s event went great, with two excellent Steem-focused presentations, discussions, Q & A, networking and more. (Here's some highlights in case you missed it - )

This month we will continue to present interesting, valuable, actionable information and insights about Steemit (and other Steem blockchain platforms and reward systems) and of course about the Philly users that make up the local community. We do all this in a casual, friendly atmosphere. So if you’re reading these words, then you too are invited to come join us, make some new connections, learn useful things and have some fun!

Best regards,


looking forward to attending. Is there a discord or facebook group I can join in order to receive repeat announcements?!

Oftentimes, it seems that the links get posted to the BitcoinPHL Facebook Group.

Cool, sounds good.
I have thought about doing both, but as of right now neither of these exist simply for lack of time.
Just follow me for updates. I was hoping to have everything finalized by now, but it should be done in another day or so. So keep an eye out for the full program announcement. Regardless, the date, time and location are locked in. So, just set some reminders on your phone that way if all else fails, you won't have any trouble remembering that it's happening and get there.

bet! looking fwd to meeting you next Tuesday.

Sounds good my friend, we'll see you there.

Livestreaming / recording planning

@hypnopreneur commented on Facebook:

Peeps who are planning on attending the Steemit meetup next Tuesday the 13th - we're looking to stream parts of the event on Dlive. Between planning and running the event - I don't have time to mess with it. That said - it's a good opportunity for anyone who who wants to do it

I said I'd look into it, which I'm still doing. However, I thought we should move the discussion and planning to Steem rather than Facebook. So let's reply to this comment for further discussion.

Good idea, I think it's totally appropriate. :)

Have you made any progress in the last day or two? I'm hoping to put the official flyer online tonight and it would be awesome if you can make mention that it will be streamed on Dlive. Could get nice boost to exposure for the meetup and obviously some good rewards potential for your efforts. lmk, thanks!

To me it seems like there are two options:

  1. live streaming via @dlive at
  2. posting the recording to @dtube at

For the last meetup, @knircky posted the talks on DTube: see talk 1 and talk 2. I can volunteer to record the March 13 talks and post them to DTube but not DLive due to the more advanced technical requirements for live streaming.

Here's why I think DTube could also make more sense:

  • DLive is less of a decentralized and open service than DTube. At this point, DLive is not really much different than live streaming via YouTube and posting a link on Steem where you can get comments and upvotes. DLive is not open source and, as far as I know, does not store videos using a decentralized protocol that would allow anyone to replicate their video collection. On the other hand, DTube is partially open source and stores videos using IPFS. Therefore, at this time, I expect videos on DTube will have greater permanence and reuse than videos on DLive.
  • Live streaming is likely to encounter more issues without the ability to edit them out.
  • There probably aren't a ton of viewers who need to watch while the event is live as opposed to afterwards.

@hypnopreneur let me know what you think?

Thanks @dhimmel for taking the time to really look into this and break down the options.

Though I appreciate the concern over the level of decentralization and open source of the two choices, I think it makes sense to do what we can to embrace both to whatever degree we can at this time, as a part of the STEEM ecosystem. I take the approach of 'try it and see what happens' as a principle of how I organize the meetups and I think a big part of the value of giving Dlive a try is just that, let's find out what we can do with it and how well it can work out. But ultimately if you are the one putting in the effort then the decision is yours to make, so having a recording for Dtube could be equally valuable. And if we can get DLive figured out without too much hassle, then there's no reason we can't have two people separately recording at the meetup with the intention of doing both - one for Dlive and for the record to go on DTube. Of course I could be overestimating the interests of others to participate in these experiments, but one can at least be hopeful... :)

Now the other thing to consider which I think perhaps may not have occurred to you as much is the potential entertainment value of doing the Dlive stream thing. So let me see if I can explain a little more clearly how I see it. One thing I appreciate so much about Steemit is that it's a global platform, and that it's a great window into what people are up to in other parts of the world, and as a part of this community. Though watching people stand around talking about Steem content creation or whatever may not seem that interesting (beyond the novelty factor), it's also a people watching opportunity. So if we were to do it, I would make sure to plan it out in such a way as to be as entertaining as possible for those people following the stream. This would likely be something along the lines of a 15-20 minute walk-through of the meetup, with me talking directly to the audience (instead of someone just point the camera at whoever is speaking). I would introduce people in the meetup to the audience, do 2-3 minute interviews or whatever, and capture parts of the discussion and just little bits to make it worth tuning in for. This would require adequate time to promote on Steemit (almost as an event within the event) to make sure we had a least a decent amount of people (hopefully at least a few dozen) watching to make it worth it. And so for that reason, I think it's probably let the Dlive stream idea go for now. But with a full month between now and the next event, I think it's worth giving it a shot, assuming we can pool the resources and do it right.

Also I just came across this video from the recent Austin meetup that I thought would be worth sharing with you Maybe we can watch independently and come back to discuss further. Before or after Tuesday...

And if we can get DLive figured out without too much hassle, then there's no reason we can't have two people separately recording

Certainly, if someone thinks they can get DLive streaming up and running for any of the meetups than that's fantastic and they should do it.

I would introduce people in the meetup to the audience, do 2-3 minute interviews or whatever, and capture parts of the discussion

Great idea. I think Philly has an impressive Steem community and it'd be nice to show that.

We should be careful in general to only record attendees that consent to being pictured. In the past, the meetups have been pretty indiscriminately photographed, which is against the wishes of some attendees. Not that we need people to sign consent forms or anything, just that we should be aware that some people may not want to be photographed and to respect that.

Right on. It's not super important to me who does what exactly. The main thing is to get people who come out to participate in whatever ways are appealing and interesting. Also to try and grow the community and make us a prominent hub of activity in our part of the world. (inset Dr. Evil type laughter:)

So I reached out to the guy at the Austin meetup who did the Dlive / Dtube presentation. He was cool and said get in touch if we want help. So that's a nice option if we want to use it.

I agree it makes sense to let people know we'll be video-taping parts of the event, so they have the option to be excluded if they prefer. Will make a note to announce it / maybe post a sign on the steps.

I'm curious how you plan to do the recording. Are you going to use your phone or have a separate video camera? I have a tripod if you need it. I think it can be rigged for a cel-phone too.

Also this is kind of funny - we're going to try and get @Knircky patched in remotely via skype, hangouts, facetime, etc. Maybe you'd like to help with or can advise on as well?:)

I was planning on recording with my phone. It's a Google Pixel 2, which has a pretty good camera. I have a mini tripod for cell phones with flexible legs. If you have a tall tripod that could definitely help us get a better angle.

Is this going to be a presentation based meetup / who's presenting? It'd be nice if we could screen record from whoever's laptop is presenting. This would allow me to add a picture-in-picture style recording, so you could see the presenter and the slides.

we're going to try and get @knircky patched in remotely via skype, hangouts, facetime, etc

Remotely to present or just watch? If the later, I'd say someone should just videochat him on their device.

I don't think I'll be able to make it to Philly, but it's awesome that you guys are doing these meetups! I think Steemit definitely has the potential to become very big. The appeal of instant payouts draws people in, and the friendly community keeps them here. ;-)

Thanks for the support my friend, I wish you the best in your endeavors.

@hypnopreneur For now, it's impossible for me to go to your place, I'm in Indonesia,
So how can I get useful information, from you to me and all the beginners.
I have followed you

The best thing to do first is make friends with people you can ask questions to on a regular basis. Either here on Steemit or through other social media. Use the Steemitchat. Go to the meetup category, follow anyone who hosts a meetup. Find out if there is one near you and make sure you get there. If there is not, you can set one up yourself. It takes work to be successful on Steemit, but you can do it if you are focused.


You're welcome and best wishes to you.

Hey how can i get listed on

Hi @hypnopreneur,

It seems you got a $10.3433 upvote from @knircky at the last minute before the payout. (14.14h) and this comment is to make everyone aware.

Please follow @abusereports for additional reports of potential reward pool abuse. Thank you.