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RE: Do You Like Eveuncovered or You Just Want to Fuck Her?

in #steem5 years ago

I mean, I like Steem, but I do not wish to fornicate with a blockchain. I don't imagine there would be much pleasure to be extracted in such a gesture.

Context and language is so important in that now edited post. The joys of immutability.

Do you want to say something, and have it on the history books forever, or say it, then deny having ever said it?

I like all people who realise this is the very nature of our online home.


It's kind of fun to see people realise that what goes into the blockchain, stays there, like for real real. We were always taught that what you put into the internet, stays there forever, but it's nowhere more true than in the blockchains.

Say what you mean, mean what you say. Say what you want, but be prepared to stand by the fact that you said that thing. :)

Most important part of this community, and exactly what attracts me to it.

Change your mind, sure, but tell me why you change your mind. Don't deny the state of your mind at a certain point in time.

Chain of events - cause and effect.

It's the exact same principle as our physical reality, and that is the value, power, and beauty of the Steem blockchain!

I love cold hard facts, so I love blockchain technology. I think it’s that simple at its core.

Articulated far better than my rambling above.

Truth = Beauty.

So many books about that topic. :)

I’m not great with words but I do know how to compress information into a really tight package, straight to the point 😅