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RE: The Steem-Powered Web Will Turn Musicians From “Unpaid Interns” to Paid Employees of Society

in #steem7 years ago

Indeed musicians have it hard at times. Like you said Steem is a real game changer because yea the opportunities are so nice. although I also kind of think musicians are responsible for their own outcomes so I don't totally buy the "musicians have been conditioned/helplessly put in this position where they cant make it" -- IT's always been a struggle. Us doing this is the same as Black Flag and Sonic Youth inventing touring pathways around the world for DIY bands - just another generation and another journey.

Who knows - when we're old and wrinkled, the young people may be complaining about how unfair Steem is and how they're going to change it all up to fix everything. :-)


Yes, I definitely respect that statement. Nothing wrong with holding yourself accountable for your future. Although music feels like selling water by the river a lot of the time, you're absolutely right in that respect. Anything worth doing is gonna take a little bit of blood, sweat, and tears.