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RE: STEEM Economic Changes Update (@officialfuzzy's thoughts & concerns)

in #steem8 years ago

Agree 100% fuzzy. Investors will have their rewards reduced from 90% to 15% of the pool. Ned and Dan better hope (not a valid strategy) the price goes up significantly after this or this project will be dead. Don't bite the hand that feeds you. Of course we should have expected some screwing around with the economics of the system from Dan. You would have thought he had learned his lesson with bitshares, but I suppose not. I was a consistent buyer as prices fell. Now I will be a consistent seller at any price (once the 3-month power down schedule kicks in) as the fundamentals are broken. Good luck to all.


Investors will have their rewards reduced from 90% to 15% of the pool.

That's incorrect. SP holders didn't get any rewards in the first place. They were debased by about 10% , with the recent proposals they will be debased by only 8.5% , this proposal is beneficial to steem power holders.

You are confusing the reward pool with debasement. My statement was correct.

Investors will have their rewards reduced from 90% to 15% of the pool.

Bitcoin miners are constantly debased, technically, but their rewards make up for the debasement if they can sell their rewards for more than it cost to produce them.

You are confusing the reward pool with debasement.

Not confusing anything.

Investors will have their rewards reduced from 90% to 15% of the pool.

I'm guessing you are talking about the inflation here which is anything but a reward.
Your statement is incorrect for multiples reasons.

  • Inflation is not a reward
  • The current inflation is 148% not 100%
  • Most of the current inflation is not part of any reward pool, it's just new money directly allocated to SP holders.
  • Investors will not have their rewards reduced, because they didn't have any in the first place.
    They will actually have less inflation with the new proposals.

I wouldn't be very much surprised if the two years option will be reintroduced in a few months.