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RE: Just A Pretty Face? | Are We Missing Important Things By Taking Everything At Face Value On Steem?

in #steem6 years ago

I know I'm replying to a post that is past it's due date (Pay-out date), but just had to comment about what I just read.

Locally, we just had our municipal elections and I'm sorry to say that THE most corrupted person got elected. How is that possible? Because, as you said, people just see the surface! It really is a shame that people can act on important matters that will affect them for 4 years without batting an eye, but will hum and haw for a half hour or more trying to decide what colour blouse they will buy.

I really don't understand that mentality and am so glad to read your article. You sound like my kind of person. I'm adding you to my follower's list despite the fact that I should be paring that list down because I'm just not able to deal with the amount of material that comes down the pipe each day.

Thanks for being you!