Reflecting on Steem and Steemit During this Unique Time.

in #steem6 years ago

I very rarely write about Steem or Steemit. However, the events since the Hardfork have presented me with a unique opportunity to step back and think quite a bit about Steemit.

For some people, this place is an addiction (I happen to be one of them). It has become part of our daily routine to wake up, grab our phones or run to the computer to check out what we may have missed during those six hours we spent sleeping instead of Steeming (I know that we are supposed to get closer to eight but when Steemit entered my life... something had to go). Part of this process may involve checking Discord or Chat, but it is always Steemit related.

Over these past four days, Steemit has been far less active. I don't want to post or vote until the voting gets back to normal. Therefore, I have spent a fraction of the time on Steemit. Now you would think that would mean I have found I have a ton of extra time to do all the other things I was missing out on over these past 29 moons.

But do you know what I found myself doing?

Sitting on the couch and flipping through TV channels and watching things I did not care about at all.

All this time I had thought Steemit was taking time away from other things. But that is not the case at all. Steemit has merely forced me to prioritize my time and has encouraged me to only use it on important things like my family, my friends, my job, myself and the Steemit community.

When students are in high school, they hear all the time that playing a sport or being involved in other co-curricular activities is the best thing for time management. Many athletes report that they do best in school during their season. Because they don't have time to waste... they don't waste any. They find it far easier to get sidetracked when they have nothing else to do.

But not everyone here is an addict like me. Some are here just because it is fun. Some are investors who are suffering from FOMO and want to make sure they around when the Steem rocket launches to the moon.

But there is one other group who I reflected on this week.

There are many community members from developing nations and countries in the throws of economic chaos who rely on Steem to put food on their table TODAY. These people are not simply here looking for a handout. They are using Steem to empower themselves to earn that food they put in front of their families.

They earn by blogging, vlogging, painting pictures, and singing songs. The earn it by curating and interacting with others. They earn it by developing Apps and programs. They earn it through their talents, dedication, and hard work.

The down side of the past few days is that these dedicated people have not been able to earn as they should. I feel terrible for these people. I wish they did not have to go through this. But the huge upside is that this opportunity has existed for them for over 2 years. And it will exist for them and many other people like them for many years to come. I can sit around and complain about what happened, or I can focus my energies on what will happen in the future.

I choose the latter.

Sometimes you need to go through growing pains. It sucks in the moment, but when those pains are over, Steemit will be in a position to expand and to help even more people in the future.

While I was lamenting about the fact that some very good, creative and talented people would be going without rewards, a very good friend reminded me that Steemit's development team are the builders. They are "laying the brick and mortar" that allow all of us to use Steem however we choose.

Some will use it as a hobby, investment, or business. Others will use it to feed their families. Some will use it as a way to empower people to feed their families.

But without the "brick and mortar", none of us can do any of that.

If that wasn't enough to get me back in balance and feeling postive, he reminded me of what SMTs will allow us all to do in the future.

When SMTs launch, each individual will be given the brick and mortar to build anything they choose. If someone wants to build something for investors, he can. If someone wants to build something for gamers, she can. If someone wants to build something that will empower talented, dedicated and creative people from every part of the world...Can we build it? Yes, WE can!

Sometimes it takes one step back in order to prepare for a huge leap forward.

Ok my break is almost over. Time to roll up my sleeves and get back to building.

Images 1, 2, 3

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Nicely done. I've never been one to shy away from Steem as a topic, and do enjoy reading the thoughts of others, especially when they can take a step back and see the bigger picture.

This will be my 4th Steemy resteem in 24 hours, and I wish all could read these posts and understand we are here to test and build our future experience, and that this is better done without finger pointing, and as a team.

Six hours? You lucky pup you!

You are 100% correct. We are all pulling on the same rope and we truly are one team. If we can all remember that, we will accelerate Steem's success!

And don't think I missed the six hours part. Wow less than 6! Thank you for working so hard to help this to succeed!

Same rope, same moon with any luck!

Like you Steem has toyed with my sleep this past year, I'm just excited about where we are going. Cheers!

I do not want to be seen as one who is always complaining but I do hope that the team can learn from this and make the next hardcore a smoother transition.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yep moving on does not mean that one does not learn from a mistake.

It sucks that HF20 didn't go smoothly, but it's good that Steem is almost back to normal again. A rough upgrade but hopefully this was a good lesson to the devs and witnesses.

Exactly! Mistakes happen. It is how you handle those mistakes that matter. Learning from and preventing them in the future is essential.

This is so true so true.
Life it self doesn't go so smooth its ups & Down.
We've just taken a break for better days .
These upgrades is for a better future for us all.
It had happen , let's smile for we can say we survived it .
An history cannot be narated if there are no events.(. Good/Bad)
Long live the BC 👊

"Better future for us all.'

I like that very much!

Hands down, one of the best posts I've read ia a while

Posted using Partiko Android

Actually, all my issues resolved. I just watch the RC bar and steemd now. Got shook though.

Posted using Partiko Android

Good to hear!

Thanks for your positive outlook and perspective. I know what you mean about Steemit addiction, I did feel a bit lost for a few days there. lol

I haven't seen something so well put about HF20 like you did. This is a great source of encouragement and morale boosting for all the steemians.

Cheers, have a 🍺

I was almost upset when I could not Upvote and comment or do anything on Steemit. But today everything has returned to normal. Thank Steemit!

Back to normal sure does feel great!

Greetings @hanshotfirst, you touched my heart: "... They are using Steem to empower themselves to earn that food they put in front of their families..." this is the cruel truth, this is my truth, but not the first reason to stay here. I love this activity, posting, earning, sharing ideas.

And that is exactly why I hope we get back on track quickly and that this never happens again.

Nicely put. I agree with you that the best thing about this platform is that it puts power into the hands of those that are disenfranchised in many countries of the world.
Not to plug anything but I wrote about a blockchain project a couple weeks back that I think will hopefully do a similar function. Both that and Steemit have the same thing in common: the technological revolution that is blockchain and crypto.

Sitting on the couch and flipping through TV channels and watching things I did not care about at all.

This 1,000 x's !

Thank you so much for such an inspiring and comforting post, @hanshotfirst. I have not been worried but I know it will help many who have been feeling anxious over the past few days.

The brick and mortar analogy is so right and I have to do some more reading on SMTs to fully understand their brick and mortar nature that you indicated. Or just wait until they're out, then learn about them then. ;)

Thanks again!

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Wow! You simply said it all very well.

very true so nine

I also only get 6 hours of sleep if im lucky @hanshotfirst , more now that the platform has pretty much been down for a week lol! hopefully the changes will be welcoming , and steeming happily on soon !! im going crazy not knowing what to do with myself , hahaha!upped and resteemed!😝😜😵😵

LOL. So happy you got a little break then. You deserve it! You have been grinding away on here and supporting people for years!

Haha , you too my friend! Thanks 😊👍

Posted using Partiko Android

I was in a way used to being able to get here and do things and yet when something happens, you realise how important things were

Well said. "Don't know what you got till it's gone..."

Your article sends out what i have in mind during these last 4 days. Agree as you said, me too i have more time to hunting photos, prepare content and learn many things and hopefully could post it soon once steemit gets normal.

Good post and good explanation of all aspect of steemit.
Steemit is in beta stage.. it is very new as compare to other social media. It has ultimate potential to empower its user. Any new implementation comes with downside as well that is with HF20 but after all we should believe in steemit because it is community driven social media where everybody is a volunteer for it good growth not a dictator like Facebook and other social media.
Those who are totally depends upon steemit for their bread and butter are most foolish people because a smart person always keep a secondary option.

Sadly in many parts of the world, a second option is very hard to find. But if it is possible, people absolutely should have a fall back plan.

It was just preparing our mindsets and the platform for best performance

I like that. "preparing our mindsets and the platform." Good way to put it.

For a newbie, this post encouraged me to stay positive & calm & wait for things to get better, to work hard in the future. Thank You for a look back! :)

Welcome to the platform. Keep doing what you are doing. Keep engaging with posts and leaving comments. Many content creators will upvote your thoughtful comments. And then they may check out your blog too.

The only real thing is that we never have to give up, we have to try as many times as we can...

A appreciate the positivity and I tend to see it mostly the same way. Patience is key and trust in the bigger plan/future are important to keep in mind :-) I was less 'active' on Steem as well, in terms of posting, upvoting... But I didn't spend less time on Steem since I was reading through all the Discord discussions lol. So yeah, I'm never off Steem it seems.

There is no escape! But I am glad you stayed active in some way.

I hear cries daily in my community, but our team is working for Steem, we have a lot of energy put into projects for the expansion of Steem and now with more force because we know the responsibility of being leaders, we have to be referents of the positive and keep the others motivated ... I will bet on Steem always and I know that the more they cry more scarves I will sell

Keep leading and helping people and I am sure there will be a positive outcome.

Wait. Did that just sound like a fortune cookie?

Excellent post! Resteemed. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, they resonate strongly with me.

Awww... Bob the Builder. Reminds me of when my boy was little. And yay.. nice to see a positive post. People are scared of change but as you say this is foundation laying. Funny thing is people were complaining that the Hard Fork NEEDED to happen and hadn't yet!

Posted using Partiko Android

Good point about fear of change. that also heightened the anxiety of the past few days.

I think we needed this to see things a bit differently. Thank you for pointing that out!

Very interesting perspective. My only complaint really about steemit is that many new users are discouraged and often stop posting all together when they see their post get no steem on a few upvotes, meanwhile some people post pure garbage and make like 100.....I get that there is something to longevity in the space and all that, but some people may have just powered up early when steem was worth a few cents. I personally love the platform and would love to see it grow, but we may need more changes on how steem is earned on top of upvotes from reputable followers. Maybe a small amount of steem per view as well? IDK I don't have the answers

Posted using Partiko Android

I agree with you 100%. We need to do something to help encourage people to vote on good content rather than selling their vote or excessive self voting.

One of the best topics I read in the sake of honesty.
Steemit will soon get back to normal and we will all be part of that. I think something else push some people away from Steeming, which is this bear market that lasts for a long time really. Once bulls go to the market ans start puahing prices up you will see a lot of movment here in steemit. I GUARANTEE THAT.

I like the sound of that!

Great reflection and an encouraging look ahead. I really enjoyed my few days off, but it's very true that Steem/it has become extremely important to a lot of people for various reasons.

Extremely important indeed. Thank you for always looking out for the people who are trying to use steem to empower themselves. I don't know what this place would be like without your incredibly positive influence.

Now I need to go see what is up with those heffabees!

Hey, @hanshotfirst.

I've found myself being the contrarian, bouncing from one side of the argument to the other. On the one hand, it is very true that none of us would be here if this infrastructure didn't exist. And I spent my time learning how to read, write and communicate ideas in written form. Coding wasn't as big a deal as it might be now, and certainly not with as many options as there are now. And I far more like writing over what coding I have done.

So, I can't imagine coding anything major, let alone a blockchain.

That said, it's tough to just let Steemit Inc off the hook. I think all of the venting that has been going on is worth something. It should send a message, and someone should be listening, that leaving the most vulnerable among us hung out to dry, which makes up quite a large percentage of STEEM, is not acceptable. Everything, to my way of thinking, that they ended up creating patches for could have been the way it started out and then throttled back.

Don't blow up the user experience, or you go the way of every other website, social media site, product, company, etc., that now finds themselves firmly wedged into place within the dustbin of history.

And, that user experience, while adequate, still in beta, not the priority—the blockchain is—isn't all that to begin with.

I am not that bullish on SMTs. Not yet. I think they present as many issues, if not more, than they solve. It would have to be a near perfect launch, far better than this one, with widespread acceptance and adoption, for it to begin to be a success, let alone the saving grace.

Here, we have the STEEM initiated (I'd say faithful but I'm not sure if that quite applies across the board). I think we end up putting up with a lot of things we wouldn't anywhere else because we have the "hope" that all of this is going to matter, that we are still in the nascent stages of technologies combined with economies, and that the STEEM blockchain is finally going to head towards the value it deserves.

But if that value never gets realized, it won't be through a lack of cohesion of those of us who have been forming the community as early adopters. It will be because the builders went too far too fast, without enough consideration given to the first million through the door before they opened the flood gates to let through the next the 100 million they think are waiting out there.

I 100% agree that it is never ok to leave people hanging out to dry (hence why really needed a pal to help me out when I was upset about it). If I had written this post before he and I chatted, this would have been a much different post. For me, this post was a cathartic way to express that I am going to keep contributing the tiny bit I can to try and help others.

And I think it accomplished that, not just for you, but I would guess many others who have read it. What happens to me is I have a very brief initial reaction, which is often a "Hang 'em!" kind of deal, but not always. Then, I kind of go into observation mode and see what's happening. In this case, there's been plenty of "What the...?!?" along with some "Cool your jets!" and then Steemit's own, "Hey, it's successf...uh, it's's uh, patched... it's uh, patched again... Three times a charm?"

So, I've been ping-ponging from one side to the other and now more or less somewhere in the middle, where it's time to move on if it's the community, but it's not time for Steemit Inc. to forget how this did not work out, and how it's not okay.

That is a great way to sum this up. Just because we are moving on and continuing to build, we cannot forget that real live people are being affected when there are unforeseen consequences. The team needs to be as vigilant as possible to prevent these consequences.

Can I please be your labourer as i am no good at building :(

Oh you are one of the best builders! You are constantly supporting other people here.

I am doing my very best but may need a foreman for advice :)

Exactly @hanshotfirst Steemit helped me to spend my time worthly. I dont mean I am not spending time on watching movies and all but its reduced. Now I am trying to find interesting topic to discuss in this platform.Now a days it became a routine to just browse through posts before sleeping. And I think the issues are getting solved. Now people will read atleast twice before posting it.

Posted using Partiko Android

It is very cool that you are finding content on here that you enjoy.

Hoping for a better user experience,hesitant though...

Great points, and I have been trying to motivate people on Steemit to go upvote more as well!! Maybe try to find new content or welcome the newbies in the #introduceyourself tag! ✌️😎

that is a great way to help spread the joy around!

Nice writing :) tipuvote!

This post is supported by $0.64 @tipU upvote funded by @cardboard :)
@tipU voting service guide | STEEM Monsters Lottery | For investors.

I have found myself in a similar position as you and made the decision early to remain engaged as long as the new system permitted me to and except for the very first day, I was able to. I think this is a great but unwarranted experiment as those in the camps of here only for speculation and money are probably taking their time off and leaving their followers without content whereas those committed to the future have remained engaged and sharing with the community. We are now ar a much more stabilized states and although voting power (or mana) is not fully charged, RC are fully charged and coming back fairly quickly so i hope this incentivizes the community to remain engaged and learning about how to adjust their activities to grow and get back on track. I’m actually appreciating the latest changes and the potential it has for the future growth of the ecosystem!

I don't think that taking a step back is a sign of not being committed. Some of us have been on here for almost 2 1/2 years and have never taken a break. For me, I simply want my VP to recharge so I can continue to reward and encourage community members and their quality content.

There are never any absolutes so sorry for my wording but for sure some have stepped back due to this. I too am waiting for my voting power to come back but have tried to continue posting to remain consistent as I want to ensure the routine remains for me.

Oh no worries at all. I wasn't upset or anything. Just presenting a different point of view. I am sorry if mine came off in any negative way at all.

I am positive...but I am still miserable. Can those two concepts even exist together?

For sure! You are miserable in the VERY short term but are positive about the future!

A return to a reward curve that sent actually popular content to trending would be nice,...

If I am not mistaken, I believe SMTs will allow people to use whatever curve they think is best.

Long shots into the darkness dont hold alot of immediate appeal to me, perhaps we could fix steem instead of holding our breath?

I say I would need more info on the shot in the dark. What is the risk vs reward of taking the shot? How likely is it that the shot will hit (do I need to hit any wall or do I need to hit a teacup)? Do I only have one bullet? How much time, effort and resources have I already put into getting an opportunity to take the shot? If I miss the shot can I try something else?

What I do know is that you miss 100% of the shots you never take.

Now do I wish steemit would improve its user experience and there would be a system that would encourage people to engage with and vote for good content rather than selling their votes? Hell yes!

That is why I am willing to take the shot in the dark. If it works, I am sure there will be many options. One of them will be a system that encourages engagement and content. Other options may appeal to investors. Others to developers. I can't pretend to know what is best for all of those groups. Perhaps shifting all of steem to my preference would hurt other groups. That is why taking that shot on something that could be molded to uniquely meet the needs of those diverse groups is worth it to me.

Or we could go back to non-linear rewards?

It seems easier to admit the mistake and return to the original design.
But then, I want to sell sbd at one usd in steem and split the proceeds like it was regular inflation.
Doesn't look like I am getting a choice without years of coding classes.

Hopefully steemit will continue to build, but when a support beam comes down or becomes weakened, then the call needs to be made can it be bolstered and repaired or do we need to tear it down for future safety? I did see a lot and likely will always see a lot of people talking about wasting time on steemit, but is it wasting time, or taking advantage of time? I guess we could all watch a little more TV during our "spare" time.

Luckily for the world, I have never had to build a house. If I did, we'd all be in trouble.

And of course, if we build out of stone the big bad wolf cannot vote our houses down!! Woot woot!!

But if we build while stoned... nothing will get done.

Yeah, I like it, sod the building!! :0D

heck yes we can!

But do you know what I found myself doing?

Sitting on the couch and flipping through TV channels and watching things I did not care about at all.

All this time I had thought Steemit was taking time away from other things. But that is not the case at all. Steemit has merely forced me to prioritize my time and has encouraged me to only use it on important things like my family, my friends, my job, myself and the Steemit community.

I can relate to this. I don't think my spending time on Steem is taking away from productive things. I no longer use Facebook. I watch television much less. Steem rewards have motivated me to learn photography because nearly all blog posts here have photos in them. At one point, I wanted to start using my own photos. I find a lot of what I have on Flickr to be good enough to add value to my blog posts these days. I'm going to buy a real camera at some point.

That is a great point! I bet many people have learned new skills due to their experience here on the platform.

You can bet on that. There are so many things you can do the community may reward you for. The barrier to entry is practically non-existent. It's very easy to try out new things until something comes up you and your audience both like.

Very good post! Keep up the work!

nice write up, balance is important!

I have the sneaking suspicion that you are some kind of test account trying to figure out if users can interact even if they have no steem. I'm glad my post could be of service!

Seriously, whoever you are, I am glad you are testing things out so that minnows can still participate here.

Thank you!

If I haven't posted anything on Steemit yet (like today), there is always a thought in the back of my mind which reminds me to go create Pinky and Spiky comic strip.

I following you. Please follow me.and give me upvote. Thanks for your support.

Enjoyed your post, @hanshotfirst. Really well thought-out, and love the positive vibe! 👍

Great post i loved it

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