@slobberchops, I wanted to respond to you negative comment. I'm not sure of your relationship to @steemflagrewards, but you joined in accusing me of plagiarism for one of my pictures. I looked at the link originally provided and just below the picture it indicates that the picture: Source: CCO Public Domain. Which makes sense because I got my pictures from Pixabay which also clarifies by stating: Free for commercial use - No attribution required. I would like to emphasize, no attribution required.
Here are the 3 Pixabay identifiers of the pictures I used, woman-1000769_1920.jpg, spiral-1000782_1920.jpg, and finally practice-615657_1920.jpg. As you can see, there was no plagiarism of pictures involved here.
It is my understanding from your post, that it was both photos and text. While I can assure you that I did not copy from any source, I must confess that in my years of studying psychological behavior, I have a degree, I may tend to sound familiar. But I did want to check to see what would happen if I ran it through an online checker, I used https://www.prepostseo.com/plagiarism-checker. Here is the report that I received. Please feel free to run it yourself if you have any concerns. And while there may be other sites with differing results, in good faith, I did this on my own.

Having addressed both of your issues, I would like to add a few comments. I am a defender of free speech. And will continue to defend it. In this case, it does not appear that you did sufficient due diligence to support your claim. And to that point, offered nothing to substantiate it. I take issue with this and while free speech should always be protected, most civilized countries recognize slander, as defined by creating falsehoods that hurt reputation, as not protected. Now, I'm not a lawyer, but based on what I'm providing, I'm sure you can see my point.
However, what bothers me more than anything else, is that you may have profited by your post, and that without substantiating the facts. The fact that subsequent followers have also profited makes me wonder if there is a financial motivation for this action, even when all or some is based in falsehood. Now that is an issue.
I'm down voting your post for the reasons cited above.
Hello Guy,
There were two abuse issues originally with your post, the first as you quite correctly mention has been quashed, but the second (bid bot abuse) has not. If you do the math you will find you make almost zero using bit bot services, while simultaneously getting on peoples back about it.
There is a limited reward pool for everyone and by fuelling the bid bots you are taking rewards from others that write decent content.
You are already at reputation (65), just the same as me yet you have been a member for only two months. Your reputation is a bought one and not earned.
I can see you are an educated man and so I will try and reason with you. SFR are not here to make your life miserable, condemn you or even profit from your posts. I can see your content is not particularly lengthy but diverse and could well improve.
I would say to you, keep off the bid bots and gather a proper following. I can see you already have some comments on your posts and that’s great.
You have several other posts that have pending ridiculous rewards for their content. I could flag those, but I won’t as I think you have potential for producing some good content.
You can take this message two ways, heed my advice as someone who has been posting for a year or don’t. You can do what you like here, and there is free speech, but if others don’t agree with you they will demonstrate their disagreement in the form of flags.