Good Day Steemers,
Tremendous support and feedback from users and community in beta 0.0.3, made it possible to move forward and bring you next list of updates, improvements. I would like to thank @ned, @xeroc, @svk, @fabien and many more of you for your support.
After long hours of work, I am happy to present you Beta 0.0.4 of Steem Mobile.

Yes, you saw it right, this version will come with iOS and Android version releases.
Android version is pushed to the production, but please still consider this as a beta.
Updates and New Features
What's New
This section main stone for future development, as it took longest time to refactor code and add new features. That's why I am so excited that we now have a way to sign and broadcast transactions locally. Thanks to team for making site opensource it helped a lot.
- login (everything is kept locally and after logout data is cleared out)
Project is opensource, please review codebase branch develop. Anyone who has question for security of the implementation please let me know. This is initial implementation which uses steemjs-lib and steem-rpc by @svk, I just browserified it and made couple changes to make it compatible with app. - while you are logged in, you can now vote, unvote, downvote the posts you like in your finger tip.
- reading made beautiful with more easy to eye font (Gotham Rounded Book)
- introducing change view mode (Compact and Card view)
Compact view, only shows title and keeps post list compact
Card view, fetches image from post and displays beautifully as card. Recommended: to use proper image format and link in posts, it feels really great with card view mode. Posts that don't have images, app tries to display in card view as much as it can. - post share is implemented.
- introducing draft of Exchange (Internal Market) of the Steem, view only, you will be able to do exchange right in app later on as we develop.
- icon and splash screen better and gives more professional look.
For that section I am grateful for the users and community for being active on giving feedback, help and support. These changes bringing more fluid and smooth experience while using app.
- followers and following pages combined
- markdown improvements (images, youtube videos, links, etc.)
watch, read, enjoy with better markdown, you can now watch youtube videos, images, read while enjoying using app. - websocket connection errors handled better
- improved performance
- design layout changes
- search (tag, user), improved. Case sensative automatically handled by making letters lowercase while typing.
- overall navigation issues are fixed
- view last 15 transactions, in profile->wallet page right after balances.
Download on Android Google play
update should be available in few hours if not already
Happy to invite everyone for beta testing with their iOS device. Just email: "invite" to

Some screenshots from my iPhone via internal TestFlight testing, working fine so far :-)

Apple's review is done and we START testing....
Anyone who is sufficient and willing to contribute to the project, please welcome and don't hesitate to contact me. Project is open source, it uses, Node.js, Angular, Ionic, Cordova/Phonegap, Gulp, Bower, etc. Solely rely on websocket by user's choice and provided by and piston. Now that we have local signing and broadcasting of transaction in place, development continues to bring more functionality of Steem to Mobile users...
Feedback, Concern, Questions, Feature requests
Please leave a comment below or use github issue tracker.
Hope you will enjoy using the app and Steem! :-)
iOS beta approved by Apple for beta testing, invite everyone for testing, email: "invite" to to get included in external testers.
Good stuff, but beware of hacking and malware
It is open source project, reviewers are welcome to check code on github
Amazing work buddy ! your efforts will be compensated even more im sure!
I updated node.js on my Mac, which I haven't played with since I stopped doing development a long time ago. Managed to get Ionic installed, and figured out the three packages I needed to get the project to build for iOS (lodash, elementree, and plist).
It works in the emulator, though if I were developing, I'd probably just use
ionic serve
, debug in my browser, and only run in the emulator to fix device-specific problems before ship.I miss the ability to choose a tag, as well as the (included) sort-by criteria.
When going "Back" from clicking on an item in one of the "Profile" pages, it should return to the page it came from, not always the "Blog" page.
When going back from clicking in an item in a long list, it should return to the same place it came from in the list, just like a web browser.
Auto-load on scroll, instead of that "Load More" button, would be delicious.
I'm also not too fond of the font. It would be nice to be able to change it. A nit.
The "develop" branch wouldn't load the home pages for me. The "master" branch worked fine, though it crashes occasionally.
Obviously still a work in progress, but a lot works.
Thank you Bill, for trying out and feedback! Are you using latest master branch, because there has been some updates last couple days. 1. Choosing tag is working as search, you can open search and search for user or tag and after you see list of available tags you can click on them to see posts related to that tag and selected trend. 2. Sort by Trend is the ones we have on steemit (hot, trending, response, etc.) 3. I will test "back" button functionality. 4. Auto scroll was in place in early development, but I saw that it slows down the device, somehow websocket response is not quick enough to give user smooth experience. But will work on that. 5. In Latest master branch, font is "Gotham Round Book", Can you confirm if you're referring to same font? Also appreciate if you suggest couple fonts, that we can add ability for user to choose or change default font altogether. PS. Apple review status is "In Review" hopefully today we should get some result. Thanks again!
I was using the latest version of the master branch as of the time of my comment, around 9pm last night (east coast US time). I hadn't tried the search command. Works great. I figured out "Sort by Trend". It would be nice if the default were the same font used by That might suffice. Eagerly awaiting Apple's review completion.
Constant progression to get steemit out of its infancy and into adulthood. Really enjoy seeing all the progression. Thank you!!
Thanks, That's what we are here for as a community and user, we want the platform to grow and prosper.
If I could I would upvote 100 times for you ! My friend is using it on android already and likes it . Keep on posting and thanks for all your work !
Is this still available? I get the error:
when I click the link to the Play Store.
Hey @brendio, yes I have been holding off announcement of new version and new name until iOS review is done, but it seem like over week going back and forth with iOS review team, things are getting intense. I might even publish update today and wait iOS result and make another update later, as it seem like a good idea. By end of the day, I will see what I can do and please follow me to see updates when I publish them. Thanks!
Very Good!!!
Hello, please check out my idea of minimal upvote payouts:
Interested in the final outcome of this app, keep up the great work!
Thanks, It is evolving...
Good :)
i will try it :)
you are the best !

Thanks :)
It looks like Steem helps you release early and often!
Hi @good-karma. Would you like some help with the beta testing for iOS? If so, what steps do I need to take?
Inviting you for iOS testing, please send "invite" to, let's test iOS beta!
Great power from CeilingCat! You get an hamburger and and upvote! I love it totally, let me recharge my phone and I try it.
great @wisehammer, let me know how it goes, note Android you can directly download from Google Play, for iOS send "invite" to so that I can add you to Apple Store testers.
hi @good-karma, just wondering if the 'follow' section is working? Can;t seem to check out the list. Anyway good job on the app, loved it. Thanks!
Yes, it is functional, checkout video while I tested. You can see list of followers and followings, choosing their account shows account details or that account's blog posts, wallet details, etc. UnFollow, Mute, new Follow functionality not there yet. But it is coming... :-)
Thanks for sharing @good-karma!
I look forward to testing out the beta version of the app.
Hi gk..i cannot locate the android version.. kindly advise download link. thanks stanceu
Please check my latest post...