Philosophy Of Life Death & The Middle Section From The Perspective Of A Social Misfit. EXPLICIT MATERIAL: WOMEN, CHILDREN & SOME MEN MAY FIND THIS POST OFFENSIVE, YOU SHOULD PROBABLY BE 18

in #steem7 years ago

All energy that ever was or ever will be was born during the Big Bang and that energy lives on infinity. All of it!

  ![33a013f98a581f41509664853083d2e1d0cc3058532554870e78cccb8cee0041_1.jpg]( you thought as I do and I too as you do

There would be no one around to to create or utilize the inventions of man kind. That means two things to me, 1. were in this thing together and 2. individuality isn't only necessary to the nature of forward progress but it's essential.
I had a realization today, you see I often get social anxiety which makes no sense because there was a time not to long ago when steez dripped of me like pussy potion and I wielded a magnetic pull on the world around me. That day has come and gone but I haven't giving up yet. So in pursuit of answers I began pondering on the conundrum of social anxiety. That's when 1 question in particular hit me like a ton of bricks right between the eyes. I like to think that it was my 3rd eye whispering hints my way but it could very well have been a matter of statistical probabilities that brought the question into my realm. My question was, why did I have buckets of this pussy getter pheramone laying around before and not now, what happened to cool Jesse the one who had this magic magnetic shit in spades and why isnt he me? Because I was a cocky kid then! Young dumb and full of cum as my beer drinking, dirty club playing father would say. You see I didnt give a shit, I thought I was way cooler than I was and because of that self image thats exactly what I became. Its the law of attraction in its most magnificent hour. We reap what we sow.
I once read that the mind of a man can be likened to a garden. You put good seeds In and theoretically you'll get good seeds out and if your really lucky a whole plant, maybe even one that grows dope in return for some water and nutes. no promises though, they are your thoughts and your responsibility. So looking at this concept and reflecting, I can recall living through at least a half dozen negative life events that im pretty sure were direct results of my own negative thinking. Im almost embarresed to give you this example but you havent seen my face yet so here blows it!
Back in the summer of 08 I was working as a farmer in Lansing Michigan, doing my best to cut my way in the world in a honest manner. I wouldn't say that I was trying to make the world a better place but I was definitely conscious of not f*** it up. Long story short I was given the basement apartment of my ex girlfriends estranged father's house and a few hundred bucks a week to tend to his plants. It would have been Fair to call me the gardener. It was legal. One night after my ex - girlfriend dropped by looking all sexy like a total tease I decided I'd retired myself for the evening and head to the basement for a good ol fashion tug war with myself. I took inventory, weighed the pros and cons and concluded that I couldnt loose! Haha funny joke right? Well it doesn't end that funny for me.
With a full battery on the ol hp and the whole world of alphabetical characters laid out like a seductive temptress below, muscle memory kicked in and I began to rapidly plug into that slutty keyboard. This was going to be an epic jerk I could just tell, you know what im talking about! One of those momentous jerks that settles out a little funny in the end but was epic to say the least. The type that leave you feeling like a dirt ball, yet a greatful dirt ball because you didn't actually stick your dick in there. Ok now that you can grasp the gravity and epicness of this tug job it's off to the bathroom! This is about to get a little bit awkward... to set this scene up you need to know that I typically just shoot right in the toilet to save on a mess. Ok here we go, I assumed my position on the porcelain and began to rally the troops. That's when the anxiety held deep inside of me began to leached out... then thoughts unessicary to the task at hand began to drift in. "What if Marco happens to come down for a late night chit chat?" These thoughts made it hard to keep up steem but with one eye on the prize and another on the screen I managed to push the thought away like a jedi and then I pressed on. But moments later the sound of floor boards squeaking entered my beat off domain. Shit! Limp. I felt like the door was going to blow off the bathroom and the whole world was going to get a peep at any moment. Well thats kinda how I felt but not exactly. Im having a tough time recreating this emotion... lets try again. It felt like he knew my secret "jerking off" and he was about to jump out with the beat off police and shut down my party. Thats it. But I couldnt stop, im no close! My anxiety got so bad I almost didnt finish my job but I'm no quitter! I pushed on despite the negative tempature of the air. Skeet, skeet.
The next morning I got up, probably rolled myself a big fat joint filled full with anyone of 60 flavors and headed to the barn to make sure the plants needs had been met. I wasn't the only one waiting for those plants to get their daily watering, soon as I finished the task I got shit canned and evicted in one swell swoop. Turns out he was upstairs thinking about me going oceans 13 on his empire while I was ting to jerk of in secrecy. He was thinking that I was downstairs conspiring to hit a lick on his gig. I wasn't, this dude had a gate that when up and down electronically when you pulled in and a keg on tap in the kitchen for you when you got inside. I was working hard and smoking dope like it was going out of style, trust me I was trying to make this gig an annual event. Being a drug dealer can turn a guy paranoid though so throw that little ingredient into the soup and you have this situation: a guy with social anxiety downstairs jerking of in a secretive manner feeling like the big bad beat off police are going to seal force from the shower drain like IT the clown and a drunk drug dealer upstairs suffering from an almost paradoxical paranoia. I could be wrong about this whole thing but I just dont think so. You almost have to had been present when this took place to get it but it felt like I was already in trouble and Marco was the authoritative figure. An off grey cloud of emotion occupying the space. Now it might sound crazy but I truly feel like the negative emotions that I was having somehow spilled over to a place where he was a be to pick up the reception. Is that really all too hard to believe? Think about intuition, we all have it we all use it but none of us understand it. That doesn't mean it doesn't exist. I believe that there is a place, one place that we are all connected to, a place where the soul dwells in an eternal and infinite state of perfection. I'm pretty sure whenever we're sleeping, meditating, or doing any one of the many Divine tasks that make up our reality, we are tapping into it. We use roughly 10% of our brains while thinking and sleeping. Much of that 10% is delegates to body functions during sleep so say %5 of our brain is present and usable to represent the whole of who we are physically, the organ that make me, me and you, you; how can it dream the crazy escapades and Adventures that we all go through while sleeping and bring so much of that back to the physical reality through memory with so few resources? I don't know I have succeeded in confusing myself on this topic and that's about it all I know is the dreams are f****** crazy and there's no way we Just expire, I don't buy it. Here is a short piece written by: Jaime Trosper in FromQuarkstoQuasars that touches on what happens to our energy when or physical reality cease to exist. It can be interpreted many different ways.

In death, the collection of atoms of which you are composed (a universe within the universe) are repurposed. Those atoms and that energy, which originated during the Big Bang, will always be around. Therefore, your “light,” that is, the essence of your energy — not to be confused with your actual consciousness — will continue to echo throughout space until the end of time.

You want a physicist to speak at your funeral. You want the physicist to talk to your grieving family about the conservation of energy, so they will understand that your energy has not died. You want the physicist to remind your sobbing mother about the first law of thermodynamics; that no energy gets created in the universe, and none is destroyed.

You want your mother to know that all your energy, every vibration, every Btu of heat, every wave of every particle that was her beloved child remains with her in this world. You want the physicist to tell your weeping father that amid energies of the cosmos, you gave as good as you got.

And at one point you’d hope that the physicist would step down from the pulpit and walk to your brokenhearted spouse there in the pew and tell him that all the photons that ever bounced off your face, all the particles whose paths were interrupted by your smile, by the touch of your hair, hundreds of trillions of particles, have raced off like children, their ways forever changed by you.

And as your widow rocks in the arms of a loving family, may the physicist let her know that all the photons that bounced from you were gathered in the particle detectors that are her eyes, that those photons created within her constellations of electromagnetically charged neurons whose energy will go on forever.

You can hope your family will examine the evidence and satisfy themselves that the science is sound and that they’ll be comforted to know your energy’s still around. According to the law of the conservation of energy, not a bit of you is gone; you’re just less orderly. End of cite.

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